Dream A Little Dream: Part 1

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Meredith: We all remember bedtime stories of our childhoods. The shoe fits Cinderella, the frog turns into a prince, Sleeping Beauty is awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time. And then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. The problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories, the ones that begin with dark and stormy nights, and end in the unspeakable. It's the nightmares that always seem to become reality.


Meredith: "What happened!?" she rushes into the ER where Audrey, Cristina, and Richard are looking into a trauma room where the sounds of the monitors flatlining ring out

Cristina: "A bus in front of him hit a telephone pole. He tried to swerve to miss it but..."

Meredith: "How bad is it?" she tries to push past them as they hold her back

Richard: "Meredith."

Audrey: "Meredith, you're gonna have to be strong." she gives her a soft look and Meredith moves past them and gasps as she takes a look into the room where Bailey is doing compressions on his chest while Mark bags him

Meredith: "Derek! No. No!" she sobs as Bailey slowly stops after a moment and looks up at the clock with a sad look on her face as she calls time of death "No! No! Derek! No! No! Derek!" she bangs on the window as she cries before gasping awake in the empty hallway


Meredith: The person that invented the phrase ''Happily ever after", should have his ass kicked so hard.


Bailey: "Back up, you're sucking all my oxygen."

Derek: "I'm trying to see."

Bailey: "It's not up yet. There's nothing to see."

Erica: "lt supposed to be posted at four."

Mark: "lt's 4:15."

Cristina: "Hit the refresh button. You have to reload the page." she tries to touch the keyboard but Bailey smacks her hand away

Bailey: "l am hitting the button every ten seconds."

Meredith: "ls it up yet?" she comes over to where they're crowding around a computer

Bailey: "No." she grumbles

Derek: "Hi." he smiles at Meredith who looks over at him with a smile as well and Cristina rolls her eyes

Meredith: "Hi."

Alex: "ls it up yet?"

Bailey: "No. Wait."

Mark: "I'm thinking we move up a slot. We pass Hopkins, move up to number one."

Derek: "We're not passing Hopkins. We're gonna stay two."

Erica: "Mayo could surge ahead. We could be three."

Derek: "Three? Pessimist."

Erica: "Realist. The Rankings of teaching hospitals change based on any number of things."

Mark: "Three's top five. l can live with three."

Alex: "Just hit the refresh button."

Bailey: "Stay back!" she slaps his hand away "I'm doing this."

Audrey: "Hey. Is it up yet?" she comes over with Izzie beside her and when seeing her, Mark tenses up in his spot

Bailey: "No!"

Izzie: "Here, hit the refresh-"

Bailey: "l am hitting the refresh..." she slaps her hand away, turning to face them with an annoyed look on her face "Ok, all of you, back up. Stop hovering. Stop speculating. The rankings will go up when they go up. We have no control when they are posted. When it is up, l will say it is! Until then, back up. Leave me alone so l can-"

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