Some Kind Of Miracle

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Meredith: There are medical miracles. Being worshippers at the altars of science we don't like to believe miracles exist, but they do. Things happen...we can't explain them, we can't control them, but they do happen.


Bailey: "Chief, I know the hypothermia is protective to her vital organs but how much longer do you think we can go on like this?"

Richard: "I've seen people last as long as four hours."

Bailey: "Yeah, but-"

Richard: "No, this is not...this is Ellis Grey's little girl. This is my..."

Burke: "We're all on the same side here, Chief."

Bailey: "Sir." she continues CPR after Richard backs away in frustration

Richard: "Her body temp is at 86 degrees. She's not dead until she's warm and dead. We need to warm her up to 98.6 and start her heart."

Bailey: "Yes, sir."

Richard: "Let's do a gastric lavage with warm fluids."

Bailey: "Addison." she looks up at her when her pager starts going off

Addison: "I have to go, it's, uh, Davidson."

Bailey: "What?" she looks at her with wide eyes along with the other two men "Just...they're waiting for you so...whatever you choose to say will..." she trails off and Addison nods, taking another look at Meredith with a sad look on her face


Meredith: Miracles do happen in medicine. They happen every day, just not always when we need them to happen.


Derek: "Tell me." he demands when Addison comes out the room

Addison: "Her temps still only 86. There's still no heartbeat. We're hoping once she warms up-"

Derek: "I wanna go in there."

Addison: "No."

Derek: "There's a risk of brain damage. I need to go in there."

Addison: "Derek, you can't. Not for Meredith, not for anybody. You're in no shape" she shakes her head, giving him a soft look and walking out a door "What happened?" she comes into the room where the others are surrounding Audrey who is lying on a gurney

Alex: "She passed out. Sloan said it wasn't the first time it happened today."

Addison: "Ok, we'll need to run some tests. Passing out twice in one day is not good. Let's get her up to OB."

Cristina: "How's Meredith?" she looks up from where she's holding Audrey's hand

Addison: "It's not good." she shakes her head

Cristina: "Is she still cyanotic? What was her initial temp? What is taking so long?"

Addison: "Dr.'s not good. They're doing everything they can. You should maybe...prepare yourselves. We have to go."

Alex: "I'm coming with you. Iz, you'll let us know?" he wheels the bed a

Cristina: "Prepare ourselves? That's what we tell the families before we call time of death." she scoffs

Izzie: "She's gonna be ok."

George: "Sometimes you're wrong."

Cristina: "Uh-huh. No."

Izzie: "Cristina."

Cristina: "I'm not doing this."

Izzie: "Cristina" they watch as she walks away "She's gonna survive this. She's gonna survive this. She's gonna survive this. She's gonna survive this. She's gonna survive this. They're both going to be fine." she mutters to herself

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