Save Me

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Meredith: "You know how when you were a little kid and believed in fairytales? That fantasy of what your life would be-white dress, prince charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming-they were so close, you could taste them. But eventually you grow up. One day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But the thing is, it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely. Almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope-of faith-that one day they'll open their eyes and it will all come true.


Izzie: "8 hours, 16 ounces of chocolate, and 32 cupcakes and they still don't taste right." she says after rinsing out a bowl of batter

George: "No, these are good."

Audrey: "Martha Stewart would be proud." She says while chewing on a cupcake

Izzie: "Yeah, look where it got her. There's something missing-some specific ingredient.
Why can't I remember?" she says taking a bite of a cupcake

George: "Look, just call her. Call your mother and ask."

Izzie: "I don't want to call my mother."

Derek: "Good morning."

George: "Hey. you guys want a cupcake? Izzie made them." he says as Derek shakes his head while grabbing his stomach

Derek: "You know, I like it here. Hey, you said so yourself. You liked having your things around, sleeping in your own bed."

Audrey: "You're like a health nut, aren't you? You eat Muesli every morning." she says watching him get food out of the pantry and fridge

Derek: "No, I don't."

Izzie: "Ok, the Muesli thing-you do. The last 7 days at least."

Derek: "Oh, come on. I haven't been here for a whole week...have I?" he asks sitting down at the table as the others ignore his question

Meredith: "See? Even they think it's weird." she says getting up and grabbing a bowl, coming to sit back in front of him as they smile at each other


Cristina: "This guy belongs in Psych. What are you doing turfing him here?" she asks as they look at a patient file

Man: "My gift to you. Had a seizure two days ago and another one this morning."

Meredith: "What are you talking about? lt says, ''He talks to dead people, family thinks he's dangerous. They had him committed.''

Audrey: "That's Psych, not Neuro."

Cristina: "Didn't you go to med school?"

Man: "Yes, unlike the correspondence school you attended-"

Cristina: "Oh, that would be Stanford, right?"

Man: "l learned not to jump to conclusions. Sorry, ladies. We can't take him back until he's cleared."

Audrey: "You're dumping him on us?"

Man: "He thinks his seizures are visions."

Mr. Duff: "Hello! They're not seizures. l'm psychic."

Cristina: "Of course you are, and l'm a chicken. Hey, genius." she says as the other doctor ignores her making her sigh out as they walk in the room

Meredith: "Ok, Mr. Duff. We're gonna start our workup now."

Mr. Duff: "Work me up, work me down, waste of time."

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