I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked

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Meredith: Number one rule of surgery is limit exposure.


Bailey: "Good."


Meredith: Keep your hands clean, your incisions small and your wounds covered.


Bailey: "I've removed the tumor and placed the catheters. Now I'm going to flood the abdomen with heated chemo" she informs the group of people sitting in the gallery as they watch her operate on a patient "It allows a greater concentration of drugs to be delivered directly to the affected area. And the heat helps target the cancer cells while leaving the normal cells virtually unaffected. Okay, start perfusion. Okay, uh, we'll place him in trendelenburg. Then reverse trendelenburg As we agitate the abdomen to make sure that the chemo really washes everywhere."

Callie: "Okay, she saw me. Now I can go."

Cristina: "She's just getting started."

Callie: "Yeah, I have a headache. I need coffee." she sighs, looking at something on her phone

Arizona: "I have a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee." she whispers in her ear, making Callie smile before she follows her out the room

Callie: "Oh, hey. I'm leaving. There's a seat right there."

Teddy: "Oh, thanks" she nods, awkwardly sitting next to Cristina "I've never seen a hot chemo lavage before. It's fascinating."

Cristina: "I thought you were leaving."

Teddy: "The chief asked me to finish out my contract, which has a few more weeks."


Meredith: Number two rule of surgery...is when rule number one stops working...try something else...


Cristina: "What I said, I didn't mean."

Teddy: "You mean offering to trade Owen like a horse or a baseball card or-or a stale peanut butter sandwich from your lunch box."

Cristina: "W-it...it was thoughtless-"

Teddy: "Fine. Fine. Cristina, let's just forget about it."


Meredith: Because sometimes you can't limit exposure. Sometimes the injury is so bad that you have to cut and cut big.


Arizona: "You're hot." she says against Callie's lips as they kiss against a wall in an on-call room

Callie: "Mm. You're hot, too."

Arizona: "No, you're..."hot" hot."

Callie: "Oh. Okay. Thanks." she chuckles

Arizona: "No. No, no. You have a fever. You have a..." she pulls back from Callie, placing her hand on her forehead "You have a...you have a fever" she furrows her brows, taking a look at her "What is that?"

Callie: "What?"

Arizona: "Oh, my God."

Callie: "What?"

Arizona: "Pox. Pox. You have chickenpox." she points out, making Callie gasp in shock


Callie: "W-oh, little Grey? That's the world-class specialist you wanted me to see?" she scoffs, giving a look to Arizona when the pair come into the room

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