Bring The Pain

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Meredith: Pain comes in all forms. The small twinge, a bit of soreness, the random pain. The normal pains we live with every day. Then there's the kind of pain you can't ignore. A level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else. Makes the rest of the world fade away. Until all we can think about is how much we hurt. Pain. We anaesthetize...ride it out, embrace it, ignore it...and for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it.


Bailey: "You're dripping." she looks at Cristina when she flinged her hair and drops of water landed on her

Cristina: "I'm back. I just wanna make that clear. I'm back. I'm ready to work."

Addison: "Has anyone seen Dr. Shepherd this morning?" she comes to stand in the doorway

Bailey: "His name is on the OR board. He should be here somewhere."

Cristina: "I'm good. I'm ready to scrub in. I'm 100% on top of my game."

Bailey: "You just got discharged. Pace yourself."

Cristina: "I'm paced. I'm paced."

Bailey: "Mmm hmm. Rounds people."


Cristina: "Dr. Bailey" she hands her the chart to one of their patients "Henry Lamott, age 42, is scheduled with Dr. Shepherd for a spinal implant to control the pain of his herniated disc. Is allergic to all pain medication..." she trails off when they look up at the tv and their eyes widen "Is that...?"

Mrs. Lamott: "Porn." she nods from her spot in a chair while knitting something

Bailey: "Porn? As in porn?!?!" her eyes widen as she looks at the screen

Alex: "All right. What are we watching?" he asks and they give him a grossed out look

Bailey: "Karev! Go stand in the hall. Uh, Mr. & Mrs. Lamott, I'm sure you are really nice people, and what you do in the privacy of your own...look, we can't have porn in here. This is a hospital."

Henry: "It's for my pain. My doc says it releases endorphins in the brain and helps keep my pain at a manageable level."

George: "Really?"

Bailey: "George! Hall!" he nods while closing his jacket around his waist and the four interns give him amused looks

Izzie: "What is this?" she asks with a chuckle

Mrs. Lamott: "Nasty, Naughty 4." she says and the four all slowly tilt their heads while looking up at the screen

Audrey: "That does not look comfortable."

Meredith: "Trust me. It's not." she says and the three turn to look at her

Bailey: "Get in the hall!" she exclaims and they walk out with amused looks
Bailey: "O'Malley, Karev, you're in the pit today. Stevens, there's a cardiac patient waiting up for you on 2. Davidson, charts. Yang, keep an eye on the Lamott's. I don't want any problems. Go."


Audrey: "You know how long the surgical scar takes to heal. You must be in pain. You should take something." she says as they lean against a railing and Cristina groans a little

Cristina: "Drugs are for babies."

Izzie: "I hate Alex."

Cristina: "The non sequitur award goes to..."

Izzie: "I'm sorry. I hate Alex."

Meredith: "I broke up with Derek."

Cristina: "Burke wants to have a relationship." she says and they all look at where Audrey is standing and she raises her eyebrows at them

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