Now Or Never

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Meredith: Doctors spend a lot of time focused on the future...planning it...working toward it. But at some point, you start to realize, your life is happening now...


Coming into Izzie's room, Bailey manuvers around the others who are sleeping in chairs around her bed. Pushing over the food tray it rattles a little, making them slowly start to wake up one by one

Bailey: "Any changes overnight?"

Cristina: "No." she yawns, shaking her head


Meredith: Not after med school, not after residency, right now. This is it. It's here. Blink and you'll miss it.


Bailey: "Oh, it's the chief" she looks down at her pager that starts going off "Somebody better make a coffee run. You all look like hell."

George: "I gotta be in surgery in ten minutes" he groans, getting up "Um, Mer, will you let me know?"

Meredith: "Yeah. We should go, too. It's probably gonna be a while."

Alex: "Shepherd said she'd wake up in the morning. What did he tell you? Was that all crap? What did he say?"

Meredith: "He said it may be a while."

Audrey: "She's gonna wake up." she assures, squeezing his shoulder in comfort before walking out


Cristina: "You know, something's going on with George." she comes up to where Audrey and Meredith are walking

Audrey: "What?"

Cristina: "Owen hugged him. They were happy."

Meredith: "Well, we don't hug when we're happy."

Audrey: "Our hugs are more like awkward loving pats." she jokes, making Meredith chuckle

Cristina: "Are you better?"

Meredith: "What?"

Cristina: "You know, with your therapy. Uh, whatever. You said you got well. Well, are you...better? Or are you just, you know, fake better?"

Meredith: "What do you mean?"

Cristina: "I'm asking you if people, you know...I mean, are you actually different? I mean, do you feel different?"

Meredith: "I'm getting married today" she says, making their eyes widen "Mm-hmm. city hall. No muss, no fuss. Just quick and dirty."

Cristina: "Well, you want us to come?"

Meredith: "No, no. just letting you know."

Audrey: "Oh, no, wait. Uh, uh...okay..." she looks through her pockets before going through Cristina's pocket "This is a, uh, what is this?"

Cristina: "My grocery list."

Audrey: "Old" she hands it to Meredith before looking around the space "Uh, this...this is new." she grabs a bag of chips from a small basket on the desk

Cristina: "Oh, and...this is my favorite pen, so I want it back. Borrowed. And all of it's blue, so you're covered." she hands Meredith all the stuff as the three smile

Meredith: "Now see, if we were George and Owen, we would hug right now." she says as they think it over before shaking their heads and Audrey awkwardly pats them on the shoulders before they go different ways


Audrey: "Wakey, wakey" she tickles Mark's nose, making him jerk awake "How'd your first night go?" she chuckles, moving over to see Echo sleeping in a bassinet

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