It's The End Of The World...As We Know It

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It's The End Of The World...

Meredith: It's a look patients get in their eyes. There is a scent. The smell of death. Some kind of sixth sense. When the great beyond is headed for you, you feel it coming. What's the one thing you've always dreamed of doing before you die?


In the shower, Meredith and Izzie are showering together and Audrey and Cristina then come inside and the four begin showering while having fun together


Meredith: Ok, hello? Clearly not my dream.


The door opens and shows George who stares at all four with a towel wrapped around his waist

Audrey: "George." she seductively whispers

Izzie: "You're the strongest, most masculine man I have ever known."

Cristina: "You're smarter than me. And you've got really great hair."

Meredith: "I'm in love with you, George. I always have been and I always will be." he steps inside the shower and closes the door before opening it and dropping the towel to the floor and at the same time in real life he falls from his bed and groans a little in pain


Meredith: See? I told you, not my dream.


Audrey: "Ok. This is the last time I'm gonna tell you this" she comes into his room while munching on cereal from the box and he quickly covers his lower area with his blanket "If you're gonna clog up the toilet you've got to be willing to use a plunger. Otherwise we're gonna make you crap in the backyard."

Izzie: "What are you doing on the floor?" she comes to stand in the doorway and sneezes "Get up. Something's wrong with Meredith." the two women walk out his room and he throws his head back on the ground with a sigh
Meredith: "I'm just not going."

Izzie: "You have to go to work. You're an intern. Saving lives is not optional."

Meredith: "Yes it is. I'm staying home."

Izzie: "You're supposed to be helping." she whispers to Audrey who shrugs and continues eating the cereal

George: "Uh Mer?" he moves to sit next to her on her bed "Maybe um there'll be a horrible accident nearby the hospital. Cut a bunch of people open. Sternotomies, Craniotomies. That'd be fun, right?"

Meredith: "I don't care about surgeries." she grabs a pillow and puts it over her head
Cristina: "You have a feeling?"

Meredith: "Yes." she removes the pillow and flips onto her other side

Audrey: "Ok, what kind of feeling?"

Meredith: "Like I might die."

Cristina: "Today? Tomorrow? In 50 years? Cause we're all gonna die eventually! But now we're late. Let's go."

Meredith: "Come on."

Cristina: "Ok" she sighs and the two sit on the bed with her "This is us being supportive."

Meredith: "Really?"

Audrey: "Yeah, hey, fine. We're totally supportive. Go."

Meredith: "Ok" she sits up with a huff "The man I love has a wife. And then he chooses her over me. And that wife takes my dog" they give her confused looks "Ok she didn't take the dog, I gave it to her."

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