Much Too Much

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Meredith: When you were a kid, it was Halloween candy. You hid it from your parents and ate it until you got sick. In college it was the heady combo of youth, tequila and well you know. As a surgeon you take as much of the good as you can get...because it doesn't come around nearly as often as it should. Cause good things aren't always what they seem. Too much of anything, even love is not always a good thing.

George: "Well another sleepless night in Seattle." he comes into the kitchen where Izzie and Audrey are sitting

Izzie: "Yeah, who was it this time? Hairy back guy?"

George: "You know who I miss? Inappropriate facial hair guy. You know he did his own dishes?"

Audrey: "Ooh tattooed ass guy made coffee."

George: "Yeah he was a keeper" he chuckles a little and Izzie turns to give him a look "What? What? Meredith? I am over her."

Izzie: "Ok."

George: "I am."

Izzie: "Yeah I can see that."

George: "But is she trying to set some kind of record?"

Audrey: "At least she has a goal." she shrugs and they turn to look at the door when they hear hurried footsteps coming down the stairs

Izzie: "Oh!"

George: "Oh he's new."

Audrey: "And I shall deem him 'Running Guy'. Hmm." she leans back in her chair before sitting up

George: "You know who I heard Alex come home with last night? You!"

Izzie: "I don't want to talk about it. Actually I really do want to talk about it. But he doesn't want to talk about it because there were...technical difficulties."

Audrey: "What?" she mumbles in confusion
while chewing on her cereal

Izzie: "You know he didn't...he was..." she motions with her hand

George: "No."

Izzie: "Stop it" she orders when George starts laughing "You can't say anything! George, stop it!"

George: "I-I'm gonna at least think about making fun of him next time I see him."

Izzie: "He said it never happened before."

George: "Well that's what we all say" he says through a chuckle and the two turn to give him looks "And I mean they. That's what they all say."

Izzie: "I don't know. Maybe this relationship just isn't meant to be. I mean I just, just need some sex George. You know just" she grabs hold of his shirt and pulls him towards her "I need sex now. You know what I mean?"

George: "No matter how hard you beg, I am not doing you." he nods his head with a smile and mouths the words 'Yes, I am' and Izzie turns to look at Audrey

Audrey: "Don't look at me. You're cute but not my type." she shakes her head and grabs her bowl to bring it over to the sink


Addison: "Dorie, this is Dr. Stevens. She will be working with us on this case. And you already met Dr. Davidson."

Dorie: "Oh, the more the merrier."

Izzie: "Apparently. How far along are you?"

Dorie: "32 weeks."

Addison: "How long is the normal gestation period?"

Audrey: "40 weeks but with twins ah 36 weeks is considered full term so with quints 34 weeks is considered extremely successful." she nods and Addison smiles at her

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