Testing 1-2-3

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Meredith: A surgeon's education never ends. Every patient, every symptom, every operation...is a test. A chance for us to demonstrate how much we know...and how much more we have to learn.


Cristina: "How do you treat pancreatic divisum?" she asks as herself, Audrey, Izzie, and Alex sit in the kitchen with tired looks on their faces "Audrey?" she looks at said girl who gets up from her spot a little but quickly sits back down

Audrey: "Uhh, Cristina! If you're not gonna let us sleep, you at least have to let me put coffee in my cup."

Cristina: "Okay, so go. No one's stopping you."

Audrey: "I'm too tired to move." she groans, laying her head back on the table

Cristina: "Pancreatic divisum."

Alex: "Dorsal duct sphincterotomy."

Cristina: "Not your turn, but correct. You do me."

Alex: "Can't believe O'Malley's missing this. How's he gonna be ready?"

Cristina: "You're kidding, right? We have Callie's cards but George has-"

Izzie: "George has Callie."

Alex: "What's the most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients?"

Izzie: "Is she coming to this bachelorette thing tonight?"

Cristina: "Rotavirus. Yes" she answers before nodding at Izzie "No, no, no. Uh, salmonella."

Audrey: "Diarrhea in hospitalized patients." she lays her head on her hand

Meredith: "The most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients is C. diff. Which can lead to toxic megacolon, perforation, sepsis and death. That's what killed Susan." she comes into the room, pouring herself a cup of coffee before walking out and they all give her looks

Izzie: "Is she okay?"

Cristina: "Oh, she's fine."

Alex: "Dude, she's messed up."

Audrey: "Of course she's messed up. Susan was basically her surrogate mother."

Cristina: "Yeah, her fake mom was better than her real mom."

Izzie: "Is she going to the hospital first or the funeral?"

Cristina: "First to the hospital, then to the funeral, then to the test this afternoon."

Alex: "Has she even studied?"

Cristina: "Yeah, she studied. She's fine. She just needs to be left alone, okay" she pours everyone a cup of coffee while Audrey holds her cup out to her "So...what's inside the carotid sheath? Audrey?" she keeps the pot near her and Audrey gives her an annoyed look

Audrey: "The internal carotid artery, the internal jugular vein and the vagus nerve. Would you like me to stab you in it?" she fake smiles and Cristina nods, pouring some coffee into her cup


Paramedic: "Dale winick, 32. B.P. 90 over 50, tachy to 110. Severe frostbite, but no obvious internal injuries."

Richard: "My god."

Derek: "Wow." they breathe when they pull back the blanket to show them Dale's hands

Paramedic: "Yeah, those aren't gloves."
Dale: "Please someone tell me if they heard the others guys are okay."

Richard: "They're right behind you. We'll let you know."

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