Walk On Water

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AN: Just a heads up Audrey was not at the point where she couldn't work and she wasn't putting her babies in any harms way

Meredith: Disappearances happen in science, disease can suddenly fade away. Tumors go missing. We open someone up to discover the cancer is gone. It's unexplained, it's rare, but it happens. We call it misdiagnosis...say we never saw it, any explanation but the truth. That life is full of vanishing acts. If something that we didn't know we had disappears, do we miss it?


Audrey: "Ugh, I am so sick of having to pee every freaking 5 minutes and not being able to put on my own shoes." she leans against the doorway as Julian bends down to tie her shoes and they look over when Meredith and Derek come down the hall

Meredith: "I was taking a bath."

Derek: "That's not a bath. I know what a bath looks like."

Meredith: "Drop it."

Derek: "Look, your mother-"

Meredith: "Drop it."

Derek: "Your mother...she was lucid and she said things and now she's-"

Meredith: "Gone. Everything's back to normal, it's not a big deal."

Derek: "Yeah, except she's having heart surgery today" he cups her face while she sighs "Hey, you want me to talk to the Chief? I know you have that triage thing today but he'll give you the day off."

Meredith: "Stop. I do not need rescuing."

Derek: "You would have drowned in the bathtub had I not been there."

Meredith: "I'm a surgeon. I do the rescuing. You are not my knight in shining...whatever."

Derek: "Oh, so we're gonna fight because I pulled you out of the tub."

Meredith: "You have a place. You could sleep at it. And then you don't have to pull me out of the bathtub. You're everywhere, all the time,
saying things."

Derek: "This is the happy ever after part and in the happily ever after part the guy is there, all the time, saying things. And the girls love it."

Meredith: "Go to work. I'll see you there."

Derek: "Just for the record, I am your knight in shining...whatever" he kisses her and starts heading down the stairs "Morning." he smiles at Audrey who nods

Meredith: "I did not try to drown myself in the bathtub."

Audrey: "Hey, I ate everything out of the fridge last night, everything, including a tub of butter. There's no judgment here." she holds her hands up in surrender

Meredith: "You ever feel like you were just disappearing?"

Audrey: "All the time."

Meredith: "Why can't I just be that happily ever after person? Why can't I believe in that?"

Audrey: "I don't know what I believe in anymore" she sighs and then groans "Ugh."

Julian: "What?"

Audrey: "I have to pee again." she hands him her bag and she heads down to the bathroom


Cristina: "We're not telling...people."

Burke: "I haven't told anyone."

Cristina: "I know, I know. Just...don't."

Burke: "I'm not going to...yet."

Cristina: "I just...I need to tell my friends here first."

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