Miss Frustrated

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"Victims of the mysterious blip that started five years ago are starting to reappear. Many are understandably confused. If you knew someone who disappeared around this time, please contact the number on your screen."

MJ and Ned fill my mind. I'm not sure at all what happened to them. I've called their numbers, but they belong to new people now.

Peter gently sits beside me on the couch. "Are you still mad at me?" Without looking over, I shrug my shoulders. I wasn't mad at him, I was frustrated with myself and with my father. That doesn't give me an excuse to say such horrible things.

However, my pride is getting in the way of admitting that out loud. "Happy told me you'd give Pepper a chance." Of course, he would.

"Howie isn't coming back until the memorial service. She said she doesn't want to stress you out too quickly, and she has a lot of planning to do." I don't respond.

"Oh, how mature. The silent treatment." He chuckles as he says this, but I know he's not happy.

"I'm sorry." It comes out quieter than I planned. "What?" He smiles. "You know damn well what I said."

The television grabs my attention. "Half of the world's population vanished in an instant five whole years ago." The reporter stands in front of a huge crowd of people. "Here behind me is a mob of blip victims trying to find anyone they know."

It zooms in and shows the fear in everyone's eyes. "It is assumed that all victims have manifested back, but it is unknown how many will be able to reclaim their previous life."

My eyes well up as the TV shuts off. Pepper stands beside me with a remote in her hand. "It's probably best that you don't watch the news right now." I nod, agreeing with her.

"Morgan, I'm sorry. About everything, I promise to explain everything tomorrow." She looks so sincere. If Dad trusted her after all these years, then I have to at least give her a chance.

"Thanks, Pep." She smiles and leaves. I look over to Peter and kiss him on the cheek. "I'm going to take a nap upstairs." While getting up, I wave to him.

Before I reach the door to my new room, I hesitate. I'm not entirely sure why, maybe it's because Dad should be here to tell me the tiny details of the room he added just for me.

My hand finally unfreezes and turns the knob. The room is set up exactly like my childhood room in the tower. Except the twin bed is now a full bed. I notice a slip of paper on the desk.

"Dear Morgan,

I found a few pictures of your old room. So I tried to make it similar enough that you aren't uncomfortable. Here is your new computer and phone.


I sigh, "I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to call her that." Leaving the paper where I found it, I climb into my bed.

My body quickly succumbs to sleep.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now