Miss Guilt

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I stand at a wall as little girls and their parents come up to me, asking for autographs and photos. Apparently, I'm more of a celebrity than I thought I was. Even if it's only for children.

A crowd has formed around Spider-Man. Lights flash and they bombard him with questions. It's hard to tell what's going on, but I assume he has it under control.

Well, until he rushes out of the building. I finish one last autograph, then excuse myself.

Unfortunately, Spidey seems to be hiding on a roof somewhere, and without my suit, I can't reach him.

The next day I begin packing for the trip. Not much, just some essentials. Several outfits, toiletries, books, and a first aid kit. With a superhero boyfriend, it always comes in handy.

Thinking of superhero boyfriends. I pick up my phone and scroll through my contracts to find Peter. I've been so busy with Pepper that hanging out after school is nearly impossible. With the rare days I do get off, I'm so mentally and physically exhausted. I'd feel like such a horrible host if I just fell asleep while spending time with him.

This trip will be my chance to essentially mash weeks of missed dates into one vacation.

After thinking about it, it'd probably be better to talk to him in person, before on the phone.

My ride drops me off at the airport, I pray that I'm not late. Today's traffic was a nightmare.

Walking through the door I notice MJ talking to Brad Davis. He's a strange addition to our little group, I will admit. However, MJ seems to like him, so I slowly started to warm up to him over this last year.

“Hey, Morgan!” He greets me as I hug MJ. “Good Morning Brad,” I smile and wave, just like I do to anyone else.

“Good thing I got here before you guys boarded, I probably would have gotten lost on my own.” MJ rolls her eyes as I say this.

“You've been on a plane before, right?” Brad asks.
“Yeah, tons of times. But usually, I'm not this nervous. I get a bit air headed when I'm nervous. I'd probably get on the wrong plan and end up spending time with penguins in Australia.”

He laughs and we walk to our flight.
After a while, we get on and I see my classmates. 'This has to be the right place.'

I walk down the aisle in front of MJ and Brad. Flash starts talking shit about Peter.

“Yo, Parker! This is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over poor neighborhoods instead of driving through them.”

I turn around about to tell Flash off, but MJ steps up instead. “Ma'am? He Blipped, so technically, he's sixteen, not twenty-one.” The flight assistant takes away his drink. “She's lying, I don't even know this girl.”

“Peter is dating Morgan. I think it's safe to say he has experienced the lifestyle of the one percent.” I hear one of my peers say farther towards the back of the plane.

“Lately they've had a sort of falling out,” Brad states confidently. “No, we haven't.” We start to walk again to our seats.

I try to push my carry-on into the compartment, but I'm slightly too short to get it all the way. “Here, let me help.” Brad gives it a quick push and I thank him.

We got in our seats. I sit by the aisle with MJ on my right, Betty then sits to the right of her.

It's not long after that Ned walks up to our seats. “Uh, hey, guys. Uh, there's an old lady, sitting in front of us wearing a crazy amount of perfume, and it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies.” When did Peter have a perfume allergy?

Oh, I get it, it's a way to get me and Peter beside each other. He could have just asked.

“Um, you know, Betty, if you could just switch seats with him, that would be-”

“He's allergic to perfume?” Betty interrupts.

“Yeah, yeah, because, um, it-it makes his eyes water, and he can't really-” Mr. Harrington turns to look at Ned, clearly concerned.

“Peter has a perfume allergy? I can tell you from experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel hives breaking out already.”

He gets up from his seat, ready to rearrange children.

“Morgan, MJ, stand up. Ned, take one of their spots. MJ and Morgan, come sit up here near Brad.” I do as I'm told, as I pass by Peter a whisper a small apology.

“If you would have just asked me to sit with you, it wouldn't have been such an ordeal.” I pat the side of his face.

“Peter, let's get you out of there.” Harrington continues shuffling around students.

Now, Brad sits by the walkway, with me to his right and MJ to mine.

This is going to be a long flight, I'll probably end up falling asleep. To save Peter the heartache, I request something of MJ. “Please, if I doze off, make sure I don't lean my head on Brad's shoulder.” I make sure to whisper, she agrees.

Brad pulls out a dual headphone adapter, and asks me if I want to watch a movie with him. “No, thanks, I'm not really one to watch movies during flights. I just listen to music and sleep.”

Time goes by, and I've already read a whole book. As I turn and stretch in my seat, I notice Peter going to the restroom.

This could be my chance to just have a little chat with him. I wouldn't have much time, but it'll be worth it. So, I get up and hop over Brad.

Patiently I stand outside the door. Waiting for my turn.

The door opens and Peter emerges, I go to speak, but he backs into the room and shuts the door.

Is he avoiding me? And to think, I felt guilty. 'Fine, I won't try to talk to you then. Angry,' I walk back to my seat. Brad gets up, assuming the restroom is vacant.

I sleep for the rest of the flight.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now