Miss Complaint

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Peter looks over at me with a slight smile. I know just how excited he was to become an Avenger. “Well, I guess we have our work cut out for us.” I step back and sit on a slightly elevated piece of the ship.

“I've wanted to be an Avenger ever since Mr. Stark saved me from some killer robot at his expo.” Peter sits beside me.

“He did? What a small world.” He shakes his head. “Yeah, who would've known less than a decade later I'd get bit by some spider and gain powers.” He rests his forearms on his knees and looks down.

“Why was the robot after you anyway?” His body moves up then down when he chuckles. “I was being brave, or as most would save stupid. I wore this plastic Iron Man helmet. And instead of running away, I stuck my hand up at it. Like I was able to blast it somehow. Then he popped up behind me, blasted it, and told me, 'Nice work, kid.' At the time, I thought I was the one who hit it.”

I can't help but smile. “You wouldn't think it at first, but he's incredibly good with kids.” I lean my head on Peter's shoulders.

“I'm not sure I remember exactly when I started dreaming about being an Avenger. I started sketching up plans to make my own Iron Man suit a little after the battle in New York. I called it Iron Boy.” I'm glad we found something to talk about. Who knows how long we'll be traveling. “Why not Iron Girl?” I knew that question was coming.

I make sure my dad isn't in earshot. Luckily he seems busy several feet away. I speak softly though, just in case.

“I've always wanted a little brother. I also wanted to be more of the engineer behind all the cool gadgets than be the person in the suit.” I stay silent for a second, clearing my thoughts. “But, Dad never settled down and there were no more accidental pregnancies since Dad was pretty beat up over my mother. She didn't even give him a chance. As soon as I turned a month old, she was gone.” A single tear falls from my cheek.

“You've never told me about your mother.” He gently rubs small circles on my back. “That's because I refuse to think about her too much. She doesn't deserve to live in my head.” I've pushed back every thought about her until now.

“Dad told me that she was his assistant for a while. He definitely had some hidden feelings for her. You know, Dad's never even showed me any pictures of her. Happy says I have her eyes. The shape, not the color. But there's no way for me to confirm this.”

It's quiet again, I want to stop thinking about her. I can't stand the fact that I have no clue what she looks like, but she can make me feel horrible.

Peter realizes I desperately need a subject change. “So, when did you decide to be the one in the suit?” Thankfully, that's an easier topic.

“Well, after I saw you. Spider-Man, to be specific. Before Dad recruited you, you swung by my window one night, and I was inspired. Your little makeshift costume was so cool to me. Not sure why. So, I wanted a little makeshift costume too.”

“How did you react when I went to Germany?” Peter stares at me, clearly interested in what I thought of him. “Dad told me he found a kid my age with superpowers. He asked for my help in designing your first suit. When he showed me the videos on YouTube, I almost lost my cool.” I think back to that faithful night of scribbling down every feature I could think of.

“I came up with a few sketches, then Dad took it from there. I couldn't wait to see the videos of you in action. But, about Germany, I wasn't all that informed. It only took me 2 months to piece together that your Stark internship started at the exact same time as the Berlin incident.”

He smiled smirked, “You had a crush on me didn't you?” I roll my eyes. “I thought I told you that already. I may have had a tiny crush on Spider-Man, but at the same time, I had a huge crush on Peter Parker. I was lucky enough to learn that they were indeed the same individual.”

I blush slightly, looking away out of embarrassment, but he takes the opportunity to pull my chin and kiss me. “Hey! No! I refuse to watch you two canoodle while I figure out how to keep us all from dying.” We separate at the sound of my father's voice.

Peter rubs the back of his neck. “Don't watch then!” I exclaim and cross my arms. “Ugh, teenagers.” He responds.

“Ugh! Adults!” I jokingly shout. “You three are having an awful lot of fun for people who may die within the next twenty-four hours.” Dr. Strange gripes.

'Way to keep everyone at ease.' I sigh and lay back and do what I do best, complain. “Are we almost there?”

A/N: I loved writing this chapter. Fleshing out Morgan as a character is just one of my favorite things to write in this.

Oh, and Happy Holidays!

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now