Miss Defense

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“Fury's got the coded message. Your friends are at the Tower Bridge.”
“Your boy called it the London Bridge, but I figured it out. I'll scoop them up, okay?”

I tinker around with my suit that just recently got to us. After a year of being dormant, I'd hate for something to happen in midair, again.

Peter and Happy continue talking, but I don't listen in. That does change though when I hear Happy say, “Peter-Tingle.” My brain instinctually says, “He prefers it to be called his Spidey-Sense. I came up with it.”

After everything looks to be in order, I put on my gear. 'I really need to upgrade. Whatever Fury's team did was a way better design.

Peter watches as his suit is being made, I walk up behind him, squeezing his torso. “No more blue, huh?”

A little while passes until it's done, and we're both ready and in position. “Alright, comms check. Can you hear me, kids?” Happy states from inside the plane.

I respond with a simple, “Crystal clear.” And Spider-Man responds with, “I can. It's just a little loud out here.” He clings to the side of the jet while I stay planted on top. 'If I fall off this plane today, I will punch the first person I see.'

“I like the new suit.”
“Woah, Peter? You sure that's not real?”
“Yeah, it's just a hundred times bigger than I expected.”
“Still the play?”
“Uh-huh. Morgan, you go find the group, make sure they are safe until Happy can get to them.”

“Wait, I'm on defense again?” I complain.
“Your wings are perfect for it.”
“I know, it's just, I was hoping to beat someone up today.”
He switches his attention back to Happy. “We need to get high enough, so Beck doesn't see me coming.”

Before we get any high, I nose dive off the plane. “Mai, where is MJ right now?” It's good to have her back. “Would you like to initiate autopilot towards Michelle Jones?” I confirm and my wings suddenly jerk, forcing me to take an u-turn.

It only takes a few seconds for the wings to make their way to her. I stay hovering way up above them. “Mai, keep an eye out for any drones.” Beck will be sending a strike on them anytime now.

Eventually, I notice Happy's jet come in. So I fly down and land behind them, they all continue running until Happy comes towards them.

“I gotta get you out of here. Get on the jet!”
“Who are you?” MJ questions, I decide to make myself know.
“He's with me and Spider-Man. Now, just get on the jet.” Flash looks at me awestruck and with his phone pointed at me.

“You work for Spider-Man?” Flash speaks to Happy put still has his camera on me.
“I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man.”

A few missiles come barreling towards their ride out of here. “Happy!”

“New plan, into the tower!” With my wings, I start nudging everyone in the right direction.

“Happy? Morgan? Are you okay?”
“We're fine, Spidey. We weren't in the jet yet.” He had to have seen the explosion. “Just go get Beck.”

As Happy leads them into the tower, I fall behind, watching for anything suspicious. That's when drones start to get closer to where we are. “Shit. Happy, we've got drones on our tail.”

“Into the Crown Jewels vault!” I run behind them with my wings fully extended, hoping nothing will hit my friends or Flash.

“Into the vault, the walls are eight feet thick. Go into the vault!” The drone starts firing at me, I can feel the bullets hit my back. I'm going to have so many bruises.

I see everyone is now behind a wall. I can now take cover. My wings condense and I hide behind the same wall that Betty and Ned are behind.

MJ starts to reach for the mace in an armor's hand. “MJ? What the hell are you doing.” I whisper as quietly as I can. She ignores everyone's pleas and picks it up anyway, which leads her to almost dropping it.

Betty pushes over one of the displays to distract the drone. It instantly starts shooting at it and MJ takes her chance. “Go!”

We all start running towards the vault, I make sure they all get in before me. “Move!” Happy shouts, I do, and he throws a shield, missing the drone. At least he tried. We both finally go into the vault. “How does cap do that?”

“Guys, say something to let me know you're alive!” Happy responds for both of us. “I'm here, I'm here. We're both alive.”

Peter sounds relieved when he here's Happy. “Thank God.”

“I bought us some time, but not much.”
“I'm trying to get to Beck, but I can't shake these drones.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now