Miss Intern

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Eight Months Later

Lots can happen in eight months. Pepper took over Stark Industries not long after my dad's death.

I couldn't stay at Peppers house, because it was much too far away from Midtown, so I moved into a new apartment. One just a bit smaller.

I hung up my wings and decided to retire from the hero's life. Opting for my original plan of being the engineer behind all the cool gear.

Peter and I went through our junior year, again, this time getting to finish. Surprisingly, no major world catastrophes have occurred.

So, Peter is back to being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

The most surprising, I'm working for the Avengers. Well, what's left of them. I design suits and gadgets, pretty much taking the place of my father.

Of course, I'm still on stand by as Nightingale. If I'm needed, I'll gladly wear the wings again.

But right now, all I'm worried about is my school trip. However, before that happens, I've got one more day of school left.

It started like most days, as I walk through the halls, Jason Ionello and Betty Brant talk on the various TV's.

Eventually, they play a video in memory of the Avengers that were lost. It gets awkward quickly as everyone looks at me with pity.

“I couldn't even imagine how she's feeling.” Annoyed, that's how I feel. The day the world found out Tony Stark sacrificed himself, I was now someone to feel bad for. It makes me feel like a child.

It finally ends and Jason and Betty are brought back to attention. “Gone, but not forgotten,” Betty states, somberly.

Jason thanks whoever made the video. Then Betty goes on to explain the blip, again.

You know, in case we forgot. As they continue their segment I make my way to art class to pick up this year's previous projects.


I sit down in front of Ned, ready to tell him the plan I've been working on.

“I have a plan. Okay, first, I'm gonna sit next to Morgan on the flight.” That much was obvious.

“Second, I'm gonna buy a dual headphone adapter and watch movies with her the whole time.”


“Three, when we go to Venice, Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass, right?”


“So I'm going to buy her a blue butterfly necklace because lately she's been talking a lot about-”

“The Butterfly Effect.”

“The Butterfly Effect. Four, when we go to Paris, I'm gonna take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace.”

“Oh,” Ned exclaims.

“Then, five, I'm going to tell her how much I've missed her and how much I love and appreciate her. Then, six, hopefully we'll be close again.”

This plan has to work. If Morgan and I drift any further apart, she may fall in love with another person.

“Oh, don't forget step seven.” I click my pen open to write, “Step seven?” I ask.

“Don't do any of that.” Ned has to be joking. “Why?” I give him a disappointed look.

“This is the perfect time for you two to take a break and explore other options. You and I could be bachelors in Europe.” Part of me can't believe he'd even say this, but part of me knows who Ned is. “Ned.”

“Look, I may not know much, but I do know this: Europeans love Americans.”

I'm not quite sure if that's true. “Really?”
“And more than half of them are women.”

“Okay, sure. But, I really like Morgan, man, okay? She's awesome. I mean, she's blood-related to one of the greatest men in history. She's smart, and she's been there for me for so long. And if I'm been completely honest here, she's the person I want to spend my entire- She's coming up, don't say anything!”

I whisper that part as she and MJ get closer. “Hello.” Morgan waves and MJ stands beside her, “What up, dorks?” MJ greets.

“Excited for the science trip?”
“Hey, yeah. We were just talking about the trip.”
“Yeah, and Peter's plan.” Dang it, Ned!

“What kind of plan?” Morgan chuckles.
I quickly deny the existence of said plan.

“He's- He's just gonna collect tiny spoons while we're traveling to other countries.” Ned winks at me, and I feel the slight urge to kick him.

“Like a- Like a grandmother?” MJ states, then Morgan replies,
“That's adorable.”

“No, no, Morgan. I'm not collecting tiny spoons. He's collecting tiny spoons,” I point my pen to Ned.

“Oh, okay, well. That was a real rollercoaster.” Why was this all so awkward?

“By the way, travel tip: You should probably download a VPN on your phone, just so the government can't track you while we're abroad.”

Morgan raises both her arms in the air to stretch. I can't help but notice when her midriff shows as she does this. “Uh, smart. Will do.”

The conversation ends and Morgan follows MJ out of the room. However, before leaving she does lean down, peck my cheek, and ruffle my hair.

Even though we don't hang out nearly as much due to her internship at her mother's company, it's small gestures like this that still give me hope.

The bell rings and Ned turns back to me. “Dude, I think that went really great.”

A/N: So, I'm switching POV's, but it won't be often. When you see this, -•-•-•-, it means the POV has shifted. It will always be between Peter and Morgan, so it shouldn't be super confusing.

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