Miss Oblivious

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I'm freaking out. I haven't even step foot in the building and I can already feel the energy. They all know who I am now. Some will be angry, some confused, but what I'm least looking forward to,

"Hey! It's Tony Stark's little girl, you know she's actually pretty hot." That. I am dreading that. The people treating me differently now that I'm rich and -I think- famous. I walk into the building and the waves of conversation stopped. It dims down to a whisper, they all keep to small groups.

"Yeah, she's probably all over every Avenger. I mean I know I'd take a piece of Cap any day." Some girl says.
"But in her interview, she said she never even met them before." Her friend questions.
"You really think she'd tell the truth about knowing them?"

I feel disgusted, like what does that even mean, I'm fifteen he's like, ninety. I finally see Peter. I can't help but run to him and squeeze him. "Good morning to you too, Miss Stark." I audibly cringe, "Don't call me that, it makes me seem old." We laugh and walk to where ever we need to be.

I can't help but hear everything people say about me. The passive-aggressive remarks, snide comments, and even the borderline slut-shaming. 'Why does everyone think I want to hook-up with all the Avengers. They're like an extended family. It's just gross.'

I space out in chemistry and Peter grabs and squeezes my hand. "Don't listen to them. They're just jealous." I look over to him, nodding my head slowly. "You are absolutely right. What do they know? I don't want to kiss my brother."

His face scrunched with confusion.
"You were talking about something else, weren't you?" He nods.
"I didn't even know you had a brother."
"Oh, I meant Thor. He's kind of like one to me."
"Okay, but why would you kiss him?"

I try and ignore the question. However, he won't let me. "Morgan, really why would you kiss Thor?"
"Because everyone in this school is debating which Avengers I've hit on. I've heard everyone. Except for Iron Man. Thankfully. It's just not what I expected to happen. I was prepared for everything else. Literally, everything. Except for this."
He pulls me into a side hug.

"It'll blow over. I promise." I reciprocate the action and the rest of the class goes by.

"Lunchtime," Peter says to me while we are in the halls.
"You know, out of everything. This scares me the most." We would hold hands, but we don't want MJ and Ned to find out from whispers around the school.
"Why? It's not like Ned likes you and will hate me for taking you."
"I know. It's just scary. Change, that is."
"I get. But I know everything is going to be just fine.

We step foot in the cafeteria. I brought my own lunch so I separate from Peter. I sit down in front of MJ. "Hey, MJ." She looks at me and gives me a small and sudden wave. We already talked before I came to school. I wanted to tell her before she saw it on the news. It silent until Pete and Ned sit down. Subconsciously I slide closer to my boyfriend.

I nudge him a little with my elbow. He looks over to me. "What?"
"You have to start. Since you were the one who wanted to do it today so badly." He sighs. "I like Morgan. She likes me. You guys can guess the rest." Ned looks at us with surprise, but MJ looks indifferent.

"That's crazy. You guy actually told each other. With no help?" I fiddle around with the hem of my shirt.
"What do you mean?" Pete questions.
"It was obvious to everyone that you guys were into each other, except for you two. I don't blame Morgan though. You did stare at Liz a lot. But man, how could you not tell she liked you." Peter turns to me.

"Especially since she was willing to risk her life to help you with the Vulture." He whispers the last part since MJ was in earshot. "I didn't do that just for him. I wanted to help people." Ned nods, letting me know he understands, but his point still stands. "The point is, it was painful to watch how oblivious you two were "

After that, the conversation goes on to other things. I have to admit, despite the chaos, I enjoy being back to school. I sit my head on Peter's shoulder. "Its good to be back."

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now