Miss Scaredy-Cat

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"I kept my identity pretty guarded this past couple years. I faced a lot of deception. And I'm tired of the lies. So it's time for the truth to be out there. Are you dating?"

Peter sits backward on a chair facing May and Happy. This had been bothering both of us all summer. My uncle and his aunt? It might as well border on incest.

Happy sighs and confirms, however at the same time May shoots him down.

Happy seems confused and May tries to explain to him. I let them go for a second before whispering to Peter. "I think we should just go." He nods.

"We're just going to head out." He points toward the window.
"We've got a date." As I say this, Peter webs his mask and gets up. While I stand behind him, he grabs the back of my thighs and pulls me up, sending me forward onto his back.

"Hey! I thought we were just going to walk!" He doesn't answer, just jumps out the window and start swinging.

"Did I ever tell you how much I hate this?" I desperately try to be heard over the wind. "Only a few dozen times." He pulls out his phone, taking a few selfies. In an attempt to not be documented in such a state, I shove my head into the crook of his neck.

He shows off with a few tricks, like doing flips, running on walls, texting Ned, and even gliding with his web gliders.

"Remind me to hate you after this!" Spidey chuckles and finally lands on top of a skyscraper.

"Holy shit! This is high up!" The masked hero sits on the edge and pats beside him. "No way in hell am I sitting on the edge. I'm just one strong gust away from falling off."

"No, you aren't, why are you so scared of heights still? You said you loved flying." All I can focus on are his leg dangling off the side, I hate it up here.

"That's different! When im in the suit, I know there are thousands of safety features keeping me from falling. Up here, there's absolutely nothing." Peter pulls his mask off.

"Not nothing, you have me to save you." That is true, he'd never let me fall. Carefully, I sit beside him.

"See, you're fine."
"I guess."
"Look, even if there was a bit of wind, it can't push you off the si-" He slides off the ledge.

"Peter!" Looking down, he is handing onto a windowsill. "You asshole!" With a laugh, he jumps up and resumes his earlier spot.

"So, how's Pepper and Howard?" He tries to make small talk.
"They're fine, Howie is extra clingy right now."
"He's got a famous sister, of course, he's gonna want to spend time with you."
"I miss not being famous."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah. Is bad that I sorta wish it was still like that? I mean, like going outside without fourteen-year-olds asking for a picture with me. I miss being just Morgan. Not Morgan Stark. There's so much I have to live up to with that name."

Peter wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. "I get it. Spider-Man is expected to live up to Iron man. At least as Peter Parker, I can mostly escape all that. You have to live up to Tony Stark."

"Well, hopefully, one day, you'll also have to live up to the Stark name."
"Y'know, as Peter Stark."
"You're saying I should take your last name?"
"No, no. You could if you wanted to. I was just trying to imply marriage. As a joke."
"One day."

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now