Mister Dork

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MJ and Morgan are talking to Brad after we're all off the plane. I have to vent to Ned.

“Hey man, did you see Brad and Morgan on the plane? They were talking and laughing.” I know it shouldn't worry me as much as it does, but with how Brad acts around her, I can't help but think he has a thing for her.

“Dude, don't worry, okay? I'm sure that's nothing.” Betty walks up to us, “Hey babe, can you hold this for me, please?” She asks. “Yeah, of course.” Then she kisses him on the cheek. When did this happen?

“When did this happen?” Morgan shows up beside me, reading my mind. Betty walks away after Ned lightly taps her nose.

“What was that?” Ned continues to smile, before registering my words.
“Uh, well, we actually got to talking on the plane, and it turns out, we have a lot in common. So, uh, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now. You two aren't the only ones on the dating scene.” Morgan mutters something under her breath, I don't catch it though.

“Whatever happened to being an American bachelor in Europe?” Morgan scoffs, “Ned, I told you Americans like Europeans, not the other way around.

“Those were the words of a boy. And that boy met a woman. A very strong powerful woman. And now, that boy's a man.” Betty urges Ned to hurry and he leaves.

I turn to Morgan, she states, “I give them a week, tops.” It sounds less like she was talking to me, and more like she was thinking out loud.

Before I can talk to her, she spins on her heel and leaves. What's up with her?


Swiftly as we can, we pass through customs. After all that we can make our way out of the airport. Looking around outside, I notice the gigantic mural of my father.

“Everywhere I go he is watching me.” A hand connects with my shoulder. Expecting it to be MJ, I turn around and see Brad. “It'll get better soon.”

Time goes by as we get a headcount of all the students. Harrington freaks out slightly when we're missing one.

Thankfully, Peter pops up sooner than expected.

After that, we're on a boat, heading for our hotel. The view is just beautiful from the front. A phone appears in front of my face, it's Brad. “Morgan let's get a photo.” Not one to decline, I stick up a quick peace sigh, and he takes the picture.

Of course, now I have to get a photo with everyone. Starting with MJ.

Later, I scroll through all my photos. My favorite being mine a Peter's. As angry as I am, I couldn't justify missing this opportunity.

“Looks like we're here.” Looking up, indeed, we are at a shabby looking building with a sign that says, “HOTEL.”

“They're doing some renovations to the place. Getting some upgrades.” That's one way to look at it.

“Oh, this is trash,” Josh states plainly.

“That must be the concierge.” I'm not even sure if this place can afford a concierge.

Everyone mutters their complaints as we get off. “Well, it will be a new experience.” My classmates groan at me. “Stop trying to point out the bright sides of things.”

Walking into the building, I lose all my confidence in this place. Not that there was much. “Everyone, here we are.”

There's water on the floor, and the whole place just smells like dust.

“This place is sinking.”
“I think you mean charming,” Harrington responds to Flash.

Mr. Dell tells us the game plan, then lets us explore as we want.

I had planned to squeeze a date in with Peter, but before I get the chance to even ask him, he runs off on his own.


Morgan stands with A pigeon on her arm. Waiting for Brad to take her photo after MJ.

“This will all be worth it in the end,” I say to myself before heading for the glass shop I noticed earlier.

“Buongiorno.” I greet the man at the front. He greets me back. “Hi, uh. I'm looking for a necklace. Preferably a butterfly, uh, a blue one to be exact.”

He nods and leaves for a while.

Once he is back, he holds up a glass figure on a chain. “Farfalla blu.” I grab it from him to look at it closer.

“It's perfect.” I hand it back to him, and he packs it into a small tin with tissue paper. The tin is put into a small golden bag.

I leave and start walking through the town. MJ shows up and talks to me. It starts with small talk, then she transitions to Morgan.

“You're not going to break up with her, are you?” That came completely out of left field.

“What? No, of course not. Why would you think that?” She sighs before continuing. “You ditched her today. She wanted to spend time with you. Not me and Brad. She told me you've been acting like this the whole trip.”

“I left because I had something to do. Not because I ditched her. I was planning to meet up with her right now, actually.” I couldn't believe Morgan thought I was getting ready to break up with her.

“Well, if that's not the case, then you should show her.” She looks behind me, where I was currently hiding the necklace.

“Is that for Morgan?” I hope to God she doesn't tell her. MJ doesn't seem like she'd reveal a secret, but you never know.

“Yes, but don't tell her.” She holds out her hand, silently telling me she wants to see it. I've got nothing to lose, I guess.

She pulls out the tin and opens it. “Wow, this is gorgeous. Not my type of thing, but it sure is Morgan's.”
Carefully she puts it away and hands it back.

“Time to go find her.” She starts to walk away, but stops and looks toward me. “Are you coming, dork?”

“Oh, uh, yeah.”

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now