Miss Sarcastic

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Here we stand waiting for a drone to cut open the doors of the vault.

“Are we all gonna die?” Thanks, Ned, for the reminder.
“Nobody dies on my watch.” Nobody is on your watch, it's on your wrist.
“I wasted my life playing video games, and we're going to die.” For some reason, this statement sets off a weird turn of events. Everyone starts confessing things.

Betty admits to having a fake ID she's never used.

“I post stupid videos daily for people to like me,” Flash tells us something we already knew. But then Happy had to go and blow up his ego. “Hey, if it wasn't for those stupid videos, Spider-Man would have never found you.”

“Spider-Man? Spider-Man follows me? I saved us, guys!”

“If you saved us, why are we about to die?” Thank you, MJ. The others scold her, but I'm glad she said it.

“I'm sorry, okay? I'm obsessed with telling the truth even if it hurts others' feelings.”

I guess it's my turn. “I still blame myself for my father's death.”

It goes silent for half a second. “I'm in love with Spider-Man's aunt.” Everyone looks towards Happy.

“We're sharing, right?”
“Way to one-up me Happy.”
“Really?” He questions me.
“It's sarcasm.” MJ and I both state simultaneously.

The vault door makes a weird noise, and we all return to being serious. But the assault soon stops.

Happy asks for Betty's spear. “That's a halberd.” Ned's just like me, got to correct people when you can.

We open the door to see nothing. All the drones are gone. I have to go find Peter. So, I do, I start sprinting out of the building. “Hey, where are you going?” Happy yells. I don't care to answer.

“Mai, lead me to Peter.” I follow her instructions until I find him on the bridge, his brand-new suit already scratched up along with his face.

“Peter!” I drop my mask and race towards him. He instantly latches on to me and squeezes. “Are you okay? What about everyone else?”

“We're all fine. Everyone came out fairly unscathed.” He pulls me away slightly and looks at the tiny holes that littered my wings. “You went in front of the drones didn't you. How could you do that, there are other ways to protect people than sacrificing yourself!” He goes on to ramble about how lost he'd be without me.

But all I can think about is kissing him, so I do. It might as well have lasted forever, it sure felt like it did.

When I do pull away I chuckle. “All I can taste is blood.”

He chuckles with me, “I really love you.” He smiles and I smile. “I really love you too.”

And then, he kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair, silently apologizing when I run over a wound.

He tries to pick me up, but groans in pain. “You must be pretty beat up, let's get you checked out.”

Sometime Later

“I'm so glad we are finally going back home.” Peter grabs my hand as we walk through the airport. MJ walks beside me, she still had questions about everything.

“Are you sure no one else has figured it out?” Peter asked MJ. “Yeah, it's not like anybody really pays attention to you.” Peter mocks being offended, so I help him out. “Y'know, except for me of course.” He squeezes my hand and MJ walks off.

“Maybe you should start being a little more careful though. I mean, I figured it out on my own, and MJ figured it out on her own. You accidentally let Ned know.” He stops me, “Okay, I get it.”

“We still on for that date?”
“Of course.”

“You guys are so cute.” Betty and Ned walk up behind us.

“Thanks, Morgan was telling me how she wanted to go on a double date with you two.” I nod my head.

In unison, they say, “Oh, we broke up.”

“What why?” I ask.

“Men and women grow apart, but the journey they share together will always be a part of them.” I want to vomit.

Betty cups the side of his face, “You are so wise.”
“Thank you.”
They both walk away, leaving us to process what just happened.

“Well, I guess I'll be seeing you.” I hug him and he goes to find May. I, on the other hand, have no clue who is waiting for me.

I look through the crowd of people with names on signs when I notice Howie running around. 'No way!'

He seems to do a double-take when he sees me and comes sprinting at top speed at me.

The pure force of him nearly knocks me to the ground. “Morgan!” He screams with excitement. I went to visit right before my trip, but he acts like I've been gone for years.

“Hey there, where's your mom?” He starts pulling me by my hand. “Mommy took a week from work, so she can play with us!” God, this kid is something else. Pepper appears in my line of sight and waves.

“Hey, Pep.” I grab and hug her. I can't remember a time when I was ever picked up by actual family. It was always Mr. Sinclair or no one at all. Couldn't risk people finding out about everything.

“Hey, why are you crying?” I guess I didn't realize the waterfalls pouring out of my eyeballs.

“Dad never had the chance to pick me up after something like this.”

A/N: There are only two more updates after this. I don't know how to feel about it. 🙍🏻

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