Miss Partner

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We all stand position as we wait for Thanos. I'm positioned up high, with Peter. I told them I would be fine in my own position, but Peter insisted we be paired up. “We're partners in everything.” Dad thought it would also be better if we were watching over each other.

Peter and I whisper as we wait for something to happen. Then, suddenly, a cloud of smoke appears. My heart races a million miles a minute.

This must be Thanos. He slowly wanders around, expectantly. He notices the ship in shambles. Dr. Strange decides it's time to get his attention. “Oh, yeah.” The purple man turns towards the voice.

“You're much more of a Thanos.” He sits on the steps, seemingly unbothered.

“I take it that the Maw is dead.” His voice startles me a tad. I'm not sure what I expected, but it seems too normal. “This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission.”

“You know, it's always been a lifetime dream of mine to meet one of the California Raisins.” Peter puts a finger over where his mouth would be if not for the mask.

“You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of Mystic Arts." 'Oh, is that what he calls himself?'

“And where do you think he brought you?”
“Let me guess. Your home?”

“It was.” He raises his armored hand and squeezes. A red light emits from it. “And it was beautiful.” The planet transforms into a magnificent world.

“Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths to feed, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.”

“Genocide?” Strange questions. “But random, dispassionate, fair to the rich and poor alike. They called me a madman.” Shivers run down my spine. He said it has if they were wrong.

“And what I predicted came to pass.” The planet returns to its original state.
“Congratulations, you're a prophet.” Thanos refutes, “I'm a survivor.”

“Who wants to murder trillions.” It's even scarier that he isn't denying anything. He isn't even correcting Strange to favor a softer way of saying these things. “With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers,” he demonstrates, “They would all cease to exist. I call that mercy.”

I temporarily stop listening. “Peter, if he gets the stones, and I snap out of existent, you have to wait at least four months before moving on.” He doesn't seem happy.

“Morgan, you really need to stop joking about this sorta stuff.” He sounds genuinely concerned. “I'm sorry. I cope with humor.”

I return my attention to the matter at hand. “-require the strongest wills.”

“I think you'll find our will equal to yours.” Strange brings up his orange energy circles. Which is our signal to start.

“Ours?” Thanos looks up to see a huge chunk of metal headed right towards him. A normal person couldn't possibly survive that. Unfortunately, Thanos is far from a normal person.

“Piece of cake, Quill.” He knows better than to get too cocky too quickly. “Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off.”

Quill engages his mask and heads towards the sites. It blasts open in a cloud of purple light. It switches to red, and all the debris comes hurling at Iron Man. But it changes into a swarm of bats and carries him away.

I break sequence and yell, “Dad!” Thanos faces the source of the scream. Peter improvises and slings some web into his eyes. Then he jumps and swings towards him, kicking him in the jaw. I follow along and try to get a few hits on him.

Drax slides behind and tries to slice his leg. I pull back and check around. I was told my main job was to keep an eye on everyone, making sure no one is about to die.

As Drax goes head-on with the creature double his height, Strange comes through a portal. He starts slashing with an orange energy knife.

Drax is thrown and Thanos grabs a hold of Strange's weapon. He rips the webbing off his eyes and grunts.

With a swift kick, Strange is thrown back, but he catches himself.

Quill comes along and Strange provides small platforms for him to jump on.

Three or four jumps later, he's about to jump to Thanos. When he does an explosive is planted on his back.

Quill flips Thanos the bird then falls back into a portal. The bomb goes off, and he's stunned momentarily.

He gets up and begins to close his fist, but the levitating cloak prevents this. As Thanos battles the Blanket of Death, Peter pops through a portal, yelling “Magic,” he lands a punch, “More Magic,” Peter pulls down on the Titan's head using the momentum to kick his midsection. “Magic with a kick.” A kick to the face. “Magic with a-” but before Peter can finish, Thanos grabs him and slams him into the ground. “Insect,” Thanos growls at him.

“This is what happens when we play around.” He lifts the teen off the ground and tosses him. I jump back into action, Somehow I'm able to catch him before he smashes into something. However, I nick something and end up crashing into Strange.

This is all so overwhelming. I'm totally not meant to be a field worker. Dad comes in and shoots whatever he can. “A Little help here Morgan.” I hesitate, but ultimately fly over and start shooting everything I have.

I notice the fire getting smaller as it gets collected into the Gauntlet. Thanos swings it back and aims for me.

I'm not able to react in time. Right before the flames touch me, I'm shoved out of the way by my father.

It sends him flying back. Peter comes in and pulls his arm down, stopping the flame. I'm torn between helping Tony or Peter.

'But what if I'm just in the way?' No! There is no time to be thinking like that!

I rush towards Thanos, but then I see a ship headed right for him.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now