Miss Embarrassed

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(Credit to my internet bestie who came up with the suit design. It was made in an app though.)

Peter and I take our time getting to the Lab. He has some guesses on what it might be. "You know, this is awfully suspicious. He's probably going to send you off to some boarding school in the UK." Somewhere along the way, he grabs my hand.

"I don't know, he could have just told me himself instead of making me come all the way to his lab. He probably just wants a second opinion on some new prototype."

We run into familiar faces and staff. They ask us how we're doing, and how our relationship is doing. It seems like everyone here knows where our relationship is heading, except us.
Reaching the lab I see Dad sitting next to something covered with a tarp. "Sup, Iron Dad. Whatcha need me for?"

He eyes our interlaced fingers. "This better be new." We let go and he lets it slide. For now. "I took a look at your stuff. The stuff I took from you after the ferry incident. It's got potential. Of course, it does you're my kid. Anything you can think up could be great."

He points to my past inventions, they are completely disassembled and sprawled out on a table. "What did you do to her? I get that you took them away, but completely taking her apart. That's just cruel." Dad chuckles and pats my back.

"Don't worry, they are in a better place." I grab and hug the largest piece. I feel as if I've lost a piece of my soul today. "Anyway, I thought I could enhance them. I was against the idea at first. I couldn't possibly let my daughter go out and fight thugs and protecting banks. Then I realized if you did it with Peter. Then you two would keep each other out of trouble."

I let his words sink in. The implications of them made me excited. Then he pulls away a tarp revealing a pair of wings, similar to my concept, but bigger. It wasn't just the wings, but the whole suit. A gray bodysuit reminiscent of the Black Widow's, with chest armor to support the wings.

I walk up to the mannequin modeling the wonderous suit. I notice the gloves, they are less bulky than the originals, but I assume Dad was able to get all the functions in it none the less.

The boots are the same story, sleek and elegant, unlike my mechanical looking ones. "It's amazing. I'm honestly at a loss for words." I turn around to see Peter's reaction. Awestruck.

"Okay, now that we know you like it. Here are the ground rules. One, you will only go out in this with Peter. That's just for now though. Two, you will train as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent.  But since you are going back to Queens you will have to do it during school breaks. Three, I am informed whenever you assume this identity. There is a tracker that will never be turned off, got it?” He counts on his fingers with each rule.

I nod excitedly. "Okay, okay, do I get to put it on now?" He sighs and motions to the armor. Wondering how to put it on I walk around it. "Just press that button." I slam my hand on said button. It loosens on the mannequin and I pull it off.

I about strip right then and there. Dad clears his throat before I do though. "Uh, I'll go to the bathroom." I blush and scuttle off.

The cloth suit works the same as the Spider-Man suit. Slip it on press the emblem on the chest and it forms to my body. I try to get in the armor and wings but I have trouble. "Peter, can you help me out with this." I hear some fumbling from the other room and then my dad enters. I think he took it the wrong way.

"You're comfortable letting a guy come in and see you like this?" He grabs the chest piece and turns a knob. It opens up and I walk into it. It clamps down and he turns the same knob.

"Sorry, I didn't really think about it. I guess it is sort of revealing." He doesn't say anything and continues to show me how to put on the shoulders.

"The boots and gauntlets are the same as they were." Dad takes off and I bask in my own embarrassment for a moment. Not only does Dad think I'm like that with Peter, Peter probably thinks I'm moving too fast.

Finally, I get over it and put on the rest of my suit. The wings are huge, but luckily the fold into a smaller version. I go to the door and overhear my dad talking to Peter.

"With all due respect, Mr. Stark. She isn't going to be a regular teen. So if that's your only reason for separating us, then I must go against you" There are a few silent seconds, no doubt my father is trying to think up a valid reason. And failing.

"Then, please, do whatever you can to give her the closest thing to a normal life. Take her on a normal date, not one swinging through Manhattan."

"I will." I guess that confirms us as a couple. I finally open the door with everything on but my helmet. Which is firmly between my arm and my side.

"So, what do you think boys?" I do a few twirls to show it all off. "It's wonderful. Now take it for a test run. Kid, you brought your suit right?" Peter shakes his head.

"Then go get the backup." The boy runs offs. I play around with my gloves, making sure every feature is still here. Thankfully it is. "Dad, seriously, this is the best thing ever. Like, better than the watch, horse, and apartment combined."

I go to hug him but hesitate. "I'm probably not huggable right now." That doesn't stop him though. He pulls me into his arms and I return it. "Make me proud. But not too proud. I want to be proud in the future too, and if I'm too proud now I won't have any left for that."

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now