Miss Victorious

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I walk down the large staircase with Peter following close behind. I'm fine until I realize just how many people are in the massive room in front of me. My steps falter when I see a certain group of girls staring at me.

I turn and look at Pete, I can see my face reflected in his eyes. I am extremely pale with wide-open eyes. All I can do is mouth "help."

"What's wrong." He whispers and holds onto my shoulders. "Those girls are here." He looks past me and searches the crowd. I can see the exact moment when he spots them. His eyebrows furrow.

"Let me take care of them." He practically growls. "No, no, no! I have to do it. This is my fight." I realize that everyone is still staring and probably wondering what is happening.

"Let's just go through this, then we'll discuss a plan after I get away from everyone." I flash him a small grin and he nods.

We continue down the steps, while I wave and smile to the guests. As soon as my shoe hits the final step, my father offers his arm. I place both hands around his forearm.

Dad walks me around the room, introducing me to many important people. We exchange greetings then move on. I glance at my boyfriend, he looks out of place as he slowly follows us.

He catches me staring and waves. I can't help but chuckle. I can still feel the anxiety in the pit of my stomach. It's a mixture of knowing those girls are here and my social awkwardness.

Dad finally lets me go, so I quickly meet back up with Peter. "Have you seen the girls?" He nods and moves his head down to my ear. "They've been following about fifteen feet behind. " I nod and motion for him to walk with me.

"Act normal while I'm telling you this. We'll meet up with MJ and Ned. After a while, I'm going to go out for air. Hopefully, they won't be far behind." I emphasize "they".

Luckily, Ned knows how to find us pretty quickly. "Morgan, sweet party. MJ is at the food bar, I told her I'd look for you guys." We follow Ned as I explain the rest of the plan.

"After about five minutes you'll leave with the excuse of checking up on me. MJ will be our alibi, Ned might slip up so hopefully, with the two of them everything will work out."

Pete lightly grabs my hand, I instantly squeeze his hand. He's silently telling me it'll all be okay.' I know it will, because even if I can't fight them off, I know Iron Man can.

We approach MJ and start a casual conversation. "I don't get how you are so calm. Even I'm freaking out with this many people." She says while sticking her skewered strawberry into the chocolate flowing from the fountain.

"Trust me, I am far from calm at the moment." She takes a bite and nods, "You know when I was like eight or nine I always wanted to be at a fancy party like this. Now that I'm here, I just want to go home." I agree with MJ, these things are overhyped. I pick up a glass of sparkling cider.

Downing it in one gulp, I decide that it's time. I turn my gear on standby but it just looks like I've readjusted my watch. "Excuse me guys, I need some fresh air." I turn to walk away and faintly hear Ned ask Peter if I'm doing alright.

I continue without looking back. I do briefly check in the reflection in a window to see if those girls are following as planned. Thankfully, they are. I can feel my heart rate spike and I know Mai would confirm this if I didn't have her on mute.

Hesitantly, I push open the door and walk into a somewhat secluded area. I take a deep breath in and count down from three.




"She's all alone girls. No Daddy Stark to save her." I swiftly turn and there they are. "Dillon, Blondie, and Other Girl. Nice seeing you again." I practically growl each word.

I can't let them know I'm intimidated. I tap one button on my watch and all my armor comes flying. It attaches but I must admit, it probably looks ridiculous with a dress added.

We all stand completely still until someone takes the first move. Which, just so happens to be Other Girl. She rushes at me with her fist ready to punch.

I duck under her and push her down by the legs. She collapses and I notice her metallic boots, this could be the source of her teleportation. I stomp on one of them just enough to break the inner mechanisms but not her foot. Before I get the chance to do the same to the opposite one, Blondie attacks from behind. I can't see her but I still try to elbow where I think her face would be.

Eventually, I make contact with something and she yelps. "Becky! Dillon! Could you be useful for once?" I hear loud thuds coming from behind me, which means Becky is running up to me. I swing my leg and trip her again. Then, I manage to get the second boot.

However, I'm hoisted into the air in an unsteady manner which can only mean Dillon still only has one glove. With enough thrashing, she loses control, and I shoot the last one with another laser.

"I've disarmed two out of the three of you. Stop fighting and maybe you won't be put in jail." Blondie snickers at my threat. She couldn't possibly do much with just invisibility. She still has normal strength and speed.

Of course, she had to prove me wrong. She phases out of existence then swiftly uppercuts me.

All I can do is try to feel the wind that comes before her fist. I try to grab her hand before it make contact with my skin. I am unsuccessful in every attempt to do so.

Then, a web shoots down from above me, it sticks to her arm and I grab exactly where her hand is. "Took you long enough. I bend the arm behind her back and Spidey webs her entire body. She shows herself, clearly accepting her defeat.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now