Miss Independent

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Exciting the bathroom I see Peter fixing his hair at my vanity. It's a beautiful sight, shame I have to ruin it my presence.

I go behind him and snake my arms around his waist. "Have you realized just how crazy Monday is going to be." He says to me. I nod against his back. "You have to tell Ned about your suit. To avoid misunderstandings when he sees videos of me helping out the new super-girl in town." He twists In my arms and lazily wraps his around me.

"Then we have to tell him and MJ we're dating." I look up at him with huge eyes. It's the first time either of us had verbally to confirmed it to each other. "We are?" I say in a questioning but excited manner.

"I mean if you want us to be. I just kinda assumed, but they always say to never assume. I just really like you and you said that you liked me, so I thought this was the obvio-" I interrupt him with a powerful squeeze. He understands the hint and laughs.

"Not to mention how everyone in school has probably seen the news of my existence now. If not, they will by Monday." He agrees and we stand in comfortable silence. 'This is it, Peter, this is your chance. Don't ask just do.' I think to myself, hoping somehow he magically hears me.

But he doesn't, he pulls away and heads to my bed to pull out one of my suitcases from under the bed.
"Don't do that Pete. I can pack by myself." He continues and I know he won't stop. So I just go to help him. It's not much, so I only need two. Not including my suit's case. "I still can't believe I'm going to school as a Stark." He laughs and closes the luggage.

"You'll get really popular. Not that you want that, but there is no avoiding it." He's right, my entire social status will flip. Before I was just an average girl. Now I'm the daughter of a billionaire, playboy, genius, philanthropist. No doubt people will want to be on my good side.

"Whatever happens, just know that you, MJ, and Ned, are my real friends."
"Now don't say that not everyone will be looking for your money or status." I finish up the rest of my packing and tidying. "I sure hope not." We walk out and I look in the room one last time.
Peter touches my shoulder and we head to our plane.
The plane ride was normal. Happy gave us space, but not too much. I fell asleep on Pete's shoulder. There wasn't much sleeping last night. I was so worried about the reveal. Somehow, I feel more at home beside a boy than I do in my own home. The room at the facility seems more like a fancy summer home. The apartment feels like a temporary boarding house. But Pete, he feels like home and family. Something I don't have much experience with.

Who needs sleep pills when they have this. Of course, all too soon Peter wakes me up because we've landed. "Ugh, Peter, carry me please." I joke, but I know he would take it seriously. So I laugh and get up and he comes with me. "I could if you really wanted." He looks me dead in the eye and smiles.

"No, no, no. Pete, it was just a joke." We exit the plane and enter the car eminently. I'm still sleepy, but I manage to stay awake by starting at the clouds in the sky. Peter explains his plan to tell Ned and MJ the news. I end up spacing out accidentally. "But if Ned thought I was two-timing. He'd wouldn't even give me time to explain."

I snap out of my trance. Why is he talking about that? "What, why would you be two-timing?" He exhales, "You missed everything I just said didn't you?"  When he crosses his arms I can help but think how adorable he is.
"I'm so sorry. Please go over it again. I'll listen this time."
"I was just saying since I have to supervise your crime-fighting, videos are going to pop up on the internet." I nod as he speaks so he knows I'm listening. "He'll know you and I are dating, and if we accidentally act like a couple suited up. Then he may think I'm cheating on you, with you." I chuckle a little. Ned would think that, and he would never let Peter explain.

"So you want me to tell Ned about the Angel." He nods. "Got it." The rest of the ride we just talk about whatever, I ended up grabbing his hand and laying them on his thigh. Happy gets to my building first.

Peter gets out with me. "Pete. You don't need to walk me to my apartment, plus, Happy really doesn't like to wait." He ignores me and goes up to the door and beckons me to his side. I look back to Happy. He shrugs and shoos me away.

Of course, I make a fool of myself as soon as I'm back in NYC. I trip on the steps and nearly fall face-first into the concrete. As I descend, strong arms grab me and pull me up. I thank the boy, knowing it was Pete, and quickly enter the complex. Hoping to avoid further embarrassment, I step into the elevator.

Peter looks confused but steps in with me. Grabbing my hand for reassurance. My legs fail me halfway up and I almost collapse. "Can you stand?" Peter asks with concern. I'm not too sure myself. He takes the hesitation as a no. Grabbing my bags with his left arm, he proceeds to pick me up bridal style.

"Peter put me down!" I blush as red as the suit he wears. My hand instantly hide my face and the brunet laughs at me. "If you can't stand, you can't walk. Simple as that." I try to protest further but he just interrupts or ignores me.

Eventually, the car stops on my floor. No one is in the halls so I'm saved from that mortification. Entering the pin proves to be difficult for him so I enter it and he heads in. Carefully placing me on the couch, he kisses me on my forehead then temple.

"Sorry, I was probably really heavy, huh?" Peter gives me a death glare. "Even if that was remotely true, I held up an elevator car with three people in it. I think I could handle you." My boyfriend -damn it feels good to say that- walks away, ready to leave. I grab his wrist, look up, and give him the biggest puppy dog eyes I can muster.

"I can't stay, Happy is waiting outside. Can't really tell him I'm staying. I can already hear your dad. 'Kid, I'm going to need to suit.' And he wouldn't give me a third chance." I knew he'd say that. I wasn't really looking for a yes.

"Maybe, next weekend, I can slip in a conveniently open window. Then we can cuddle, watch movies, and whatever else you want." I pull him down to hug me. After that, he leaves and blows me a kiss before exiting through the door.

'Next weekend, huh? I can work with that.'

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now