Miss Memories

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“Morgan, we've landed.” My eyes flutter open. Peter is crouched in front of me. “And where exactly are we going?” I adjust my seat, so it's no longer reclining.

“Happy said we're going to Mr. Stark's house.” He's still being formal. “Can you just call him Tony? I know he'd prefer it that way. Dad's never been much of a formal guy.” He nods.

“While May secures a new apartment, I'll be staying with you guys. Pepper has already agreed.” Why is everyone calling her Pepper? I was told her name was Virginia.

“This is all so confusing.” He shows me a questing look. “It's nothing. I'm sure I'll figure everything out soon.” His eyes look puffy. He must have cried while I was napping.

I hastily stand up, and Peter steps out of my way. We exit the plane and instantly enter a car. The ride remains silent the entire time.

Happy parks the car and gets out. Peter waits for me. “Sorry, I'm just trying to mentally prepare.” 'Breath in' I close my eyes, 'and breath out.” I reopen them. “Okay, let's get this shit show started.” Our doors open at the same time.

After getting out I notice a figure on the porch.

She doesn't move until both of us make eye contact. As she walks up to me, she states my name, “Morgan.” She sounds awestruck.

“That would be me.” With open arms, she gets a bit too close to me. I let her hug me, but not for too long. “Thank you for letting us stay with you.” I may not like the woman, but that doesn't mean I'm going to lose my manners.

“And you are Peter. You don't understand just how much Tony talked about you two.” If she says anything like she feels like she already knows us, I'm going to punch her.

“So, where's your kid?” I ask harshly. “Oh, Howie? He is staying at a friend's house while I get you two set up here.”

The conversation completely stops and an awkward feeling floats in the air. “Okay, let's head inside.” Happy insists.

They all start walking, while I stay completely still. Peter turns around wondering why I'm not following. With a quick sigh, I start walking.

The house isn't as big as I thought. Instead of humble beginnings, my dad had a humble ending.

“I hate to do this to you two, but we've only got one extra room.” It seems like she was about to say more, but I answer her anyway. “We can share a room. It wouldn't be the first time.”

Peter looks over to me stunned, “What? Dad's not here to yell at you.” I cross my arms, completely unbothered. “Yes, but Pepper is. She is your mom after all.” I'm about to debate that, but Pepper clears her throat. “If you both are comfortable with it then go right ahead.”

Happy decides to grab our bags and leave the situation. “I'll let you get settled in. If you have any questions just ask.” She leaves the same way Happy did.

“I'm never going to survive here. I'd better be able to get my apartment back, or I'm moving in with you and May.” I fall back onto the couch.

“You don't mean that. Come on, she's your family.” Here comes the 'I wish I had what you had.' Lecture.

“That woman left me and my father sixteen, uh twenty-one years ago. There's no way I could just act like she never did.” I can't believe he doesn't understand.

“Maybe if you talk to her she'll explain.”
“I don't want her excuses.”
“It might not be an excuse, it could be a legitimate reason.”
“Doubt it. If you're not on my side then just leave me alone.”
“I'm not on anyone's side,” Peter states defensively.

“Don't you want to get to know your little brother?”
“He's not my brother, he's my replacement.”
“You can't seriously mean that?”
“I do.” I decide I'm not going to listen to this anymore. “Just stop talking!” With that, I get off the couch and head for the door.

“Where are you going?”
“I saw a lake outside. Maybe I'll go drown myself in it.” Hopefully, he doesn't take that seriously and follow me.

The air is cool on my face. The grass pricks at my skin as I use my hand to sit on the ground beside the lake.

“I never took you for much of a rural guy, Dad. I wish you were here.” If only he could have figured out cloning before he died. “How in the world did you figure out time travel? We were supposed to do that together.” I think about the years I sat on his work table as he fiddled with wires and electronics.

“Daddy! If you could time travel what would be the first dead person you'd meet?” Dad picked me up and sat me on the table that was much higher in height than I.

“Not sure, maybe someone smart like Albert Einstein, or Nikola Tesla.” I'm disappointed in his answer. “I'd like to meet Grandpa. He was smart, wasn't he?”

He chuckles, “Well when we invent time travel, I'll have to introduce you.” I never thought we could invent it. “Just you and I?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“I meant more of a general human race kinda deal. But, you know what, you and I are going to do it. When you're older of course. Seven-year-olds don't understand quantum physics.”

I jump at the thud on the ground beside me. “Happy, you scared me half to death.” His face twists with discomfort, clearly he's not used to sitting crisscross.

“You need to talk to her.” I dramatically fall on the grass. “Not you too!”

“Trust me, I was the first to be skeptical of Pepper when she came back.”
“But now you're not?”
“It's not my business to tell you her reasons, but I can say that people make mistakes, then they grow as a person.”

I don't bother answering. “She really wants to make this work.”

I sit up straight, “If she wanted it to work, she should have stayed the first time!” Happy sighs before speaking, “Just go to lunch with her one time. Give her a chance to explain. If you don't change your mind after that, I'll book you out of here pronto.”

I get up and Happy reaches his hand up. “You're getting old Happy Hogan,” I tease, before grabbing his arm and helping him up.

“So, is that a yes?”
“It's an 'I guess.' Now leave me be.”

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now