Miss Grounded

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I sit on the ledge with Peter. He's still in the suit, just missing his mask. We're both dreading what's about to come. The soul-crushing disappointment of Tony Stark.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's going to be fine. He loves you like a son. Just tell him what he wants to hear and it'll all blow over. " he looks at me with a tiny gleam of hope in his eyes. "And what does he want to hear?" I laugh and turn away. "That you are in the wrong, you're deeply sorry about it, and it won't happen again."

He sighs, I know, he can't say that when he knows it would just be a lie. "I just wish he'd see I'm not a kid." I don't get the chance to respond, because Iron Man interrupts.

"Previously on Peter Screws the Pooch: I tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do. You also drag my daughter down with you."

I turn in a sudden jerk, "Dad, no, I came here of my own volition." He ignores me, he's clearly just talking to Peter right now.
"Is everyone okay?"
"No thanks to you." That phrase stings more than you would think.

"No thanks to me?" Pete gets up and walks towards my metal clad father. "Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell you about it. But you didn't listen. None of this would've happened if you had listened to me. If you even cared, you'd actually be here. "

The suit opens up revealing Dad. He exits the suit and steps to Peter. He obviously didn't expect that since he backs away slightly.

"I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Do you know that I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a fourteen-year-old kid."

"I'm fifteen, " Pete says, but it just pisses Dad off more. "No, this is where you zip it, all right?" I jump back in, not being able to sit back as he wants me to. "Dad calm down." That also angers him more.

"Morgan, stay out of this, we'll talk about the whole angel get-up when we get home." He turns his focus back to Pete. "What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on you. And if you died, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience."

"Yes, sir" Peter states submissively. "Yes."

I want to jump in, but I'd hate to make it worse. "I-I'm sorry." I feel horrible, he tried his best, and Tony is just tearing him down.
"Sorry doesn't cut it."
"I understand. I just wanted to be like you."
"And I wanted you to be better." They both look so hurt, "Okay, It's not working out. I'm gonna need the suit back."

"For how long?"
"Forever." I jump back in, nothing can make this worse for him.
"No, that's not right he tried his best-" but Dad glares at me and I stand back again.

"That's how it works."
"No, no, no... Please, please, please-"
"Let's have it." They both speak over each other.
"You don't understand. Please. This is all I have. I'm nothing without this suit."

"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it." Unfortunately, I have to agree with my father there.

"Okay? God, I sound like my dad."
"I don't have any other clothes."
"Okay, we'll sort that out." With that, we all leave the building's roof.

I find myself in the back of a nice car. The window separating me and Happy is rolled up. I'm sure he understands where both I and my father are coming from. So, he knows it's best to not take sides with either of us.

A few minutes later Dad joins me and Happy starts to drive. "Dad, Im really so-" i try to apologize but he cuts me off before I can't finish.

"No, Morgan, listen. The worst thing you did today was risking your life. I feel there is no need To explain why that is my biggest concern. The second worst thing was going behind my back, stealing pieces from my lab, building whatever that death contraption was, and deciding to risk others safety because you thought you were grown up enough to help them."

I turn in my seat but he still stares anywhere but at me. "Dad, I didn't think that I just wanted to help Peter. I wanted you to see that I was smart enough to do great things. Just like you." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Morgan, no matter what, I know you're going to do great things. But right now you should be worrying about different things. Like fashion, or trends, or even boys. I would settle for boys over this." He finally looks at me. "Please, just be normal. I know it hard with me as your dad. But try, make normal friends, not superhero friends. Make a scrapbook, not metal wings." I nod and look away.

"So, how long am I grounded, a week?" He chuckles and crosses his arms. "I think until you're eighty with suffice. I'm also taking your suit" It's silent in the car for a while, till we get to my apartment building. "I can at least still go to homecoming, right?" He reaches over me. I press myself into the seat as much as I can, thinking he's just getting my door.

"So you won't even hug me?" I realize my mistake and wrap my arms around him. "I'm really sorry about today, but you shouldn't have been so harsh on Pete." He let's go and then opens my door. Implying he isn't going to listen to my reasoning. "Okay, bye." I shuffle out of the car and onto the sidewalk. I hurry to get inside the building before anyone is suspicious.

"I don't even know what normal is!" I scream once I'm alone. "Mai, did Spider-Parker get home alright?"

"Yes, physically fine, however, I'm not sure about his pride." That good enough for now. We can work on his wounded pride another time.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now