Miss Sleepover Queen

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The next day at school I'm waiting outside of Principal Morita's office. Ned goes on about some alternative schools that had some pretty nasty rumors.

"Forget the crossbow, at another school, it's said that if you get detention, you never leave. You're stuck there for the rest of eternity." I try and tune him out. I'm too worried about how Peter is taking all this. No more internship, no suit, he can't even do his nightly patrols with his homemade one, because my dad's got him under full-time surveillance.

Ned stands up and I see Peter beside him. "Are you expelled? Do you have to go to that high school on 46th where the principal has a crossbow?"

I get up to follow them. "Pretty sure that's an urban myth, and no, I'm not expelled."

"I kept telling him they were just rumors. But I really did think you'd get expelled."

"You're so lucky."  So am I. I have absolutely no clue what I'd do with one less friend.

At this point, the only thing to look forward to right now is the Homecoming dance. It's still a couple of weeks away. I find MJ in the cafeteria, "Hey, MJ. How's it been?" She looks up to me?

"Oh, you know, the normal. It seems like you've been quite busy as of late though. We barely hang out." It's true, I was so focused on my suit that even after school I was preoccupied.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. But from now on I'm going to be free. How about a sleepover?" She looks at me like I've grown a third eye.

"You really want to do something so normal?" Well, yes, being normal seems to be my primary objective lately.

"Yeah, sure. I mean, it's good to be normal sometimes, right?" She shrugs and goes back to eating.

"This weekend. My place." She says it like she didn't care. I know that deep down she's excited though.

The rest of the week flies by. I have to admit,  it's nice being normal. But I still miss working on my gear. It seems like Pete is doing his best to get back into the swing of things. I definitely miss seeing Spider-Gymnast swing through the city on YouTube. All I have is old videos. It's just not the same.

"Mai, keep an eye on things. I'm staying at a friend's tonight." She powers down the apartment and I ride a cab to MJ's place.

I knock when I'm there and MJ answers. She puts her finger over her lips, signaling me to stay quiet. I walk in, it's quaint. It's a lot warmer than my place. We get in her room and she closes the door softly.

"Sorry, my mom is a light sleeper." She got on her bed after pulling out her desk chair for me.

"Did you not tell her I was coming."

She lays down on her back, holds a book up. "No, I told her. She just has work soon." I nod and look around the room. It's not what I expected. It's all extremely plain, the thing with the most life is her desk.

It looks like it gets used plenty. While the rest of the room looks relatively untouched. She has a completely full bookshelf. As expected.

"Have you eaten yet? If not I've got a frozen pizza I can throw in the oven."

"No, I'm fine." It's awkward for a while, I've never had a sleepover before. After a bit, she gets up and looks at me.

"So, what do girls do at sleepovers anyway?" I perk up and pull a notebook out of my bag. "I thought you'd never ask. I am the Queen of Sleepovers." She laughs and I look confused. "How many of these have you done?"

"Uh, well one. Including this one." I hold up my index finger. "But I've watched enough tween movie to know all about them." So for the next hour, we review my plan.

"Talk about boys?" She looks at the only thing on my list that's been crossed out. "Oh, yeah, that seemed to pop up a lot. But I didn't think you'd been into that sorta thing."

She shrugs. "Hey, if you want to finally tell me about your crush on Peter, then go for it." I go red. I didn't realize it was that obvious. "What! No, no way! I don't."

"It's as clear as day. I mean, every time he does something remotely 'cute'." She throws air quotations around the last word. "You freak out, you think I don't notice but I do. Like when he sneezed. I mean come on, fangirling over that is just weird.

I'm covering my face with a pillow. Trying to dampen the small screams of embarrassment. "Okay, okay, okay, whatever, I have a small, tiny, itty, bitty crush on him." I hold my fingers up and pinch the air, showing how big I say my crush was.

"Oh, yeah more like huge." She stretches her arms out to show how big my crush really is.

"Well, I was actually thinking of asking him to homecoming." She squeals, which is a first for her, and throws her arms around me. " No way! Get it, girl, I'm rooting for Ya!"

The happiness is short-lived though. When she pulls back she looks devastated. "What's wrong," I ask reluctantly.

"He's already going with Liz. I heard her talking about it in the hall." My heart falls. I only just let myself admit I like Peter, and even wanted to ask him out. Then I'm told Liz beat me to it. "Oh, well in that case. I'm glad."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, he's happy, she's happy. I'm happy." The atmosphere sinks. But MJ brings it back up as I temporarily forget the heartbreak of a few minutes ago.

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