Miss Stark

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It's been weeks since I was at school. Honestly, it's been too long. Dad was too worried I might not be a hundred percent better. Peter visited me every weekend, I think Dad is still trying to convince him to live here. He thinks if Pete stays I'll want to stay.

Today is my last day in the facility. I have a press conference to announce my existence. We've been planning this for weeks. "Morgan, you know that your life will be completely different after this." I look up to my dad who is about to lead me into the conference room.

"I know, but I don't want to lie about who I am anymore. It's something I have to do, I need to fight every nasty rumor and crazy fan." I assume a fighting stance.

"That's my girl, " he pretends to punch me, and I swiftly go to block. "Now let's go in there." He opens the door and walks through. I spot all the reporters and their cameras. I have to admit, I do feel a slight regret. Despite it, I walk in after my dad.

"As you know, I called this conference to announce a change to the Stark Family. For the past fifteen, coming up sixteen years, I have hidden a young girl from the public eye. I wanted her to live the most normal life possible. She went to school with a false name, an actor for a father, and even her own apartment so she could have friends over." He motions for me to stand by him. I slowly walk up to the podium and stand on the step so I am my father's height. "This is my daughter Morgan Stark." All at once, every camera goes off.

I have to squint my eyes. "Hello!" I give a small wave and then the reports start yelling questions. My father calms them down and starts to call on them.

"Did you hide her so you could maintain your image as a playboy?" My father clears his throat. "Anyone who asks any question that I feel makes her feel uncomfortable, I will personally see that you are fired from your position." After that, the questions dwindled. Which made me uncomfortable, but it was better than hearing all the outlandish theories.

"Miss Stark! Can you explain how you felt being hidden from the world? Not being able to tell your peers your real name." Being addressed as "Miss Stark" feels strange.

"Uh, well, I never truly felt like I was hidden.  My father always let me do what I wanted. Just because I had to use a different last name, doesn't mean I wasn't me. If I'm being honest I will miss being treated like a normal girl. I suspect once I go back to school, there will be kids that never gave me the light of day, now wanting to know everything about me."

My dad calls on another, "Growing up, did you feel as though your father's work, both as an inventor and Iron Man, ever got in the way of your relationship?"

"No, because even when he was working, he made time for me when absolutely needed.  I also acted as though I was more independent than I was. So if anyone is to blame for our odd relationship, it's me."

They continue to ask questions about my time as a Sinclair. I answered them with as much honesty as was allowed. Many of them had the same answers. My favorite was when they asked me if I was friends with the Avengers. If I could tell the truth, I would say they were like distant family. Instead, I answered with, "No, up until the recent weeks, I had never met with the Avengers, nor did they know about me."

I then left and my father took it from there. I exit the door and Peter greets me. "Morgan!" We hug and pull away. I'm not quite sure what we are. We both admitted to liking the other, but we aren't dating.

"Pete, you aren't supposed to come until tomorrow." He rubs his neck, "Uh, yeah. Happy told me about the announcement. I thought you might need someone if it goes wrong. But it didn't, you were a natural. With the big fancy words and everything."

I want to hug him again, so I did. This one lasts longer. When we part, it wasn't fully. He still held my shoulders and I held his waist. I see his face inching closer. So I follow suit. Not even an inch away from each other, Dad walks out the door and we jump away.

Thankfully he is completely oblivious. "Well, that went better than I thought." He sees Peter and looks suspicious. "I thought you only came over on the weekends,"  Peter explains the same way he did with me.

He lets us go and we head to my room. He takes his normal spot at my desk, and I sit on whatever in the surplus of seats in my room.

"Dad says he's got a surprise for me now that I'm all healed up." We both do things on our individual laptops. I've been learning from home, so I'm catching up on the last assignments before I go back.

Peter is scrolling through the comments of a Spider-Man compilation. Probably worrying the public still just sees him as a menace. Even if the comments are ninety-five percent tween fans.

It's been nice between us. We get along great, we respect each other's boundaries, and we even casually flirt. I don't think he realizes that he's flirting half the time.

"I hope it's something useful this time." He must be referring to when Dad brought me home a surprise horse last week. "Are you saying Star isn't useful?" He turns the chair in a slow and dramatic way.

"All I'm saying is, a car would have helped you out a lot more than a horse. You're turning sixteen soon anyway." Then he turns back to what he was doing. I get up with a sigh and make my way over to the curly-headed boy.

"It's not like he can't afford one. Even if he wasn't a billionaire, anyone who can afford to buy and maintain a horse can get a car." He continues on his rant even after I wrap my arms around him and watch his computer screen.

"You know, I met Spider-Man once." He pauses the video and pulls me to his lap. "Really, I never took you for the superhero nerd." I gleefully take a seat on his legs. "Well, believe it or not, he has been my celebrity crush, ever since I first saw him fly by my window." Not actually a lie. One day he swung past my apartment building and Instantly fell in love with the idea of him. Now I'm in love with the boy under the mask.

"He has luck on his side if such a wonderful girl like The Morgan Stark even gives him a little of her attention." Our bodies slowly drift towards each other, like magnets.

"I don't know, Spider-Man is one hell of a guy. I mean, single-handedly bringing a weapons dealer to justice.  That's not something your Average Joe can accomplish."

"Well, not single-handedly. I heard he had a pretty lady friend to look after him."  For the second time today, we are centimeters away from our first kiss. Also for the second time today, my dad interrupts the moment.

"Morgan, your father wants you in his lab." My AI assistant announces. "Dammit, " I mumble under my breath. Peter just laughs and follows me outside the room.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now