Page 18: Saussy Village PT2

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-Centuries Ago-

    The moon had been full as it had reflected upon the water of the little village. Many of the people in Airedale had been sound asleep or enjoying the peaceful and perfect night as both human and elves were chatting with one another. One of the houses in particular a young elf had been reading to her child as the little one had been listening well.

    Alma had enjoyed it as her young child Prism as she was listening well.

    "--The frog looked to the young princess with eyes full of hope--" Alma had read, "--Oh please my lady, only a kiss from thy lips can break this spell that was bewitched upon me."

    Young Prism's eyes sparkled as she sat forward while Alma laughed and turned the page, "And so--The young princess was so moved by his desperate plea, she picked up the little creature and raised him to her lips and kissed the little frog."

    "What happened then?! What happened then?!" Prism asked with eagerness in her voice.

    Alma chuckled again, as she turned the page, "In but a blink of an eye, the frog had transformed into a handsome prince. They were married, and they lived happily ever after."

    Young Prism had sighed with relief, "Thank goodness."

    Alma had soon shut the book, "I'm glad you liked it. This is one of the gifts your father gave to me when we saw each other. He said he snuck it from the library which made your grandfather very cross."

    "Did he put on his scary face like father?" Prism said doing an impression. Alma laughed as she tickled her, causing her to giggle, "You bet he did!"

    Prism's smile soon fell from her face as she looked to be saddened which her mother had been quick to notice. "How come--Father can never stay?" Prism asked, "Why does he have to go back to the capital?"

    Alma sighed as she gave her a pat on the head, "It's because of the first rule as leader of an entire country. And that is a King's duty is to his people."

    "But I miss him." Prism said as she hugged her, "It's really lonely without him."

    "Well, just because he's away doesn't mean he stops thinking about us." Alma said, "I'm sure back in his castle, he's missing us too. Though--Between running a group of individuals, and a whole country are two different worlds." She soon placed her arms around her, "Understand that they're people that have it worse then you and I, and outside of this village, and even around the dark corners of the other kingdoms... There lies an even greater darkness in the hearts of others. One which would threaten to destroy the kingdom."

    "Darkness?" Prism asked curiously, "You mean like father's magic?"

    Alma shook her head, "It's a different kind of darkness. It's one that exists in the hearts of other humans, and even us elves." She soon adjusted it so that Prism had been sitting on her lap, "The darkness can be tricky you see, and quite convincing too. It'll tempt you with words that you would want to hear, and thoughts you may have had before. Greed, vengeance, power... Anything of the sort really."

    Prism couldn't help but shiver at this, "It sounds scary--"

    "It is." Alma said, "They're unfortunately people that give into those temptations. And those people can threaten the livelihood of everyone. The capital, the other villages, even the animals and spirits."

    "Like the--Bad people that try to take me...?"

    Alma had only nodded, "But--That's why your father is there in the capital right now with his brother. He protects everyone from the people that were taken by the darkness. Those that were infected often will think the best way to get what they want is to hurt other people. That's never a way to do things. All life should be valued no matter how small one's life is."

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