Page 14: Different But All The Same

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(Second Opening Theme: Asterisk War Opening 1-Brand New World Performed By Shiena Nishizawa)

Pluck along with the triplets, Vandy, Jubei and Karasu had managed to fix up the wall as they finally took a breather. They looked at all the hard work as the entrance looked good as new. Aisling wiped away the sweat off her forehead as she looked over everything.

"Man--" Aisling said, "--It took us all afternoon, but we finally fixed it!"

"Whew man!" Aidan said, "I could really go for some watermelon juice! Anyone want some?"

"I'm there!" Aine said, "How about you bro?"

"Yeah, have some melon juice with us!" Vandy said.

Pluck sighed as he said, "I'll take some to my room. All that unnecessary stress is making me tired. I'm gonna go study."

"Aw but bro, the housewarming party--!" Aisling started to say, "You promised you'd do your--What do they call it now?

"A comedy sketch?" Aine and Aidan said.

Aisling snapped her fingers, "Yeah, that's it! Come on Pluck! You know how much it makes her smile!"

Pluck flinched as he said "Right Right. Party, sketch then study after."

"Can't you go one day without studying?" Jubei asked. "Mom and Dad always ask this! Even Uncle Yami!"

"No way." Pluck said. "Now that I know that a Silvia of my age is among us, I gotta stay sharp and focus. No way, I'm letting her outshine me even if she left to a different squad."

"Boo, party pooper!" Aidan said.

"Hey Karasu? How about you?" Vandy asked as he turned to him who had been looking down the path, "You wanna have some melon juice with us? You'll love Charmy's special blend!"

Karasu didn't answer as he looked to be uneasy; his body had been tensed up slightly as he looked to be on edge.

"Karasu?" Vandy said as he tugged on his shirt, noticing he was on edge, "Are... You okay?"

"... Somethings wrong." He soon said softly.

"Huh?" Vandy asked, "What do you--?"

"I'll try the juice later!" Karasu said before he took off in the direction which Prism and the others had gone.

"Karasu?!" Vandy shouted with confusion, before he turned to his siblings as he just looked confused, "What's the matter with him?"

The group soon jumped when they heard the door get kicked down and they saw it had been Yami as usual.

"Hey! What the hell's going on?" He said, "Why the hell is our special guest missing?"

"Prism took Adrien out for a run with the newbies, plus Sachiko." Aisling explained, "But, they're not back yet. And Karasu just took off."

Pluck had an uneasy look on his face, as he noticed how uneasy Karasu had gotten before he had taken off. 

"Addi, watch over the kids." Pluck told her.

"Quack?" Addeline asked as he went after Karasu, which took everyone back as he went inside the base. He soon emerged with a broom in his hands.

"Pluck! What are you doing?!" Aine asked.

Pluck tossed his broom in the air and jumped on top of it. He stood on both of his feet, as the broom took to the sky before he said, "Isn't it obvious? Something must have happened with Asta, Ice Queen and Prism. I'll be right back!"

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now