Page 39: The Strongest One

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(Fourth Opening Theme: Black Clover Opening 1-Faraway Future Performed By Kanaku Piero)

Luck and Lotus had traded one attack after another as neither of them seemed to have realized that Feodora had no longer been in the same room as them. Each time Luck went in to kick him he was quick to dodge him as he emitted more of the strange black smoke from his hand. He didn't seem to pay mind to it as it didn't seem to have paid him any mind.

For a third time in that fight, Luck delivered another kick as Lotus narrowly dodged it once again.

"You're so full of life." Lotus had commented with a smile.

"Stop talking and let's fight!" Luck said as he charged at him; he attacked him with full force as Lotus evaded his punches and kicks, "Please! Come on!" He begged. As Lotus managed to distance himself, he finally noticed the logo which his robe had bore.

"Oh--" Lotus said in realization, "--Now I remember. The Black Bulls. I've fought with your Captain before. He was a hot head too."

"What?" Luck said, sounding strangely happy, "You know the Captain?"

"How could I forget?" He said, before he pulled back his shirt a bit, "He gave me this lovely scar. I pissed my pants and ran. Goodness that was scary. He had a rather unusual fighting style. He was the only younger opponent that I couldn't defeat."

"That makes you even worth fi--"

Luck suddenly let out an agonizing gasp as he felt his heart race suddenly. His vision started to become hazy as he could himself start to stagger; he almost found himself collapsing to his knees as he staggered. "Who--" Luck said as he steadied himself, "--Whoa there--!"

"Oh?" Lotus said as he noticed his reaction, "What's the matter?"

"It--It's nothing!" He replied as he tried his best to shake it off as he went to charge. Though that's when he noticed, his movements had gotten sluggish.

"So slow!" Lotus said as he moved out of harm's way.

Luck soon noticed that his vision started to worsen as he found himself practically falling--No... It was more like he had been floating in that of an abyss. "What is this?" He thought, "Magic? But... I don't remember getting hit...!"

Lotus chuckled as he scratched his chin, "I can see where Feodora had rubbed off now." He soon gestured to the whole room, "You see--Everything in here, was enveloped in my magic. Very thin smoke that you can't really see. If you're wondering, it's called Weakening Smoke Magic: Garden of Plundering Smoke."

"My body--" Luck thought as he tried to move, "--It's not listening to me! When did he use this--"

Luck's eyes widened in realization as he soon recalled Feodora's words, or at least what she had been trying to say.

"DON'T BREATHE IN THE SMOKE!"--Were the words he remembered her shouting before she had been silenced by him.

"Back then--" He thought, "--She was trying to warn me about his magic!"

"I had a feeling you'd block it if it were visible." Lotus said, "Feodora would've done the same in your situation. I lowered my magic as much as I could, so I could use it without anyone noticing. I was still surprised she didn't notice, though then again she might've gotten rusty at her little tricks. At least my subordinates didn't go down for nothing. They sacrificed themselves so I could use my spell."

Finally Luck collapsed to his knees as he tried to catch his breath; when he tried to stand, he could feel himself collapse.

"It's very important is it?" Lotus said, "Teamwork. Friends that can trust are worth their weight in gold. That's the one thing Feodora always seemed to be good at, even though she tells me--She really hated the kind of training she had to go through." He soon looked over to where Feodora was--Only to find she wasn't there anymore.

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