Page 8: The Princess, the Knights and the Wizard King

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Asta felt droplets of water fall on his cheek when he felt himself come to. The first thing he noticed when he woke up was the fact that he saw a set of bars in front of him as he had been laying on what appeared to be a wooden board with a pillow and a blanket.

"PRISM!" He shouted as he sat up, realizing that he had been in a set of shackles, "EH!? WHAT IS THIS!? WHY AM I SHACKLED?"

"Would you quit yelling?" A familiar voice said, "You're giving me more of a headache then I already got."

Asta turned over and saw two familiar faces; it had been Yuno and Feodora as they were both shackled like he had been.

"Yuno! Feo!" Asta exclaimed as he went over to them, "Are you guys okay!?"

"We're fine." Yuno replied, "We didn't get hurt too badly."

"That damn bean pole got me." Feodora said as she rubbed her head, "Maybe psycho bonkers crazy but he's pretty good. I underestimated him. I won't make that mistake if I see him again."

"Where are we?!" Asta asked as he looked around.

"In the dungeon." Yuno replied, "As to where we are--We're not sure exactly."

"Though what I can say is we've been here for a whole day." Feodora said.

"What about Prism!?" Asta said, "Where is she!?"

"They didn't throw her down here with us." Yuno said, "They might be keeping her somewhere else in--Wherever it is we are. Not to mention they took our grimoires while we were knocked out."

Asta soon ran up to the bars as he started to kick at it, "HEY! LET US OUT OF HERE!!"

"You're wasting your breath, Dum-Dum." Feodora said, "No ones gonna come down here for awhile, unless they bring us food so we don't starve." She soon held her wrists in front of her, "And Yuno and I can't break out of these. They're repressing our magic somehow."

"But Prism--" Asta said, "--They could be hurting her! We have to find her and--!"

"Asta--" Yuno said as he grabbed his arm, "--You're not gonna accomplish anything by losing it. Just calm down and get a grip. We have to save our energy and bide our time till we figure out a way out of here."

Feodora put her head back as she sat against the wall, "So much for becoming a Magic Knight, and one of you guys becoming the Wizard King. All because I screwed up our chances from a fit."

"It's not your fault. We did what we had to. We'll find another way to make it work." Yuno said as he sat beside her, "Besides--You had every right to be angry."

"If they don't decide to get rid of us--" Feodora said, "--I'll make it up to ya both. Consider it a part of my debt."  

Asta gritted his teeth as he couldn't help but hit his head against the bars, gripping tightly as he did.

"Prism--! Stay safe wherever you are!"


(Opening Theme: Gurren Langen Opening 1-Sky Blue Days Performed By Nakagawa Shouko)

    The sun had been at its highest point as the rays leaked into the window as spirit guides had gathered on its sill as the window had been open slightly. A familiar looking bird managed to go through as she had poked at her cheek, making Prism twitched. Slowly but surely she opened her eyes with a groan as the bird continued to poke her.

    "... Little miss, good morning." Prism said as she recognized the expression on the bird, while the little spirits came into her line of vision. She sat up as she rubbed her eyes, as the little bird sat on her leg as she realized her green cloak had been off revealing her outfit, "You would not believe the dream I just had, it was a really strange one."

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