Page 27: A Lesson in Courtesy

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(Third Opening Theme: Hamatora the Animation Opening 1-FLAT Performed By Yuuki Ozaki (Galileo Galilei))

-Royal Capital-

    Prism didn't know how she should handle the situation right now. Here she was on her way to one of her first few lessons after being delayed for a good long while after several delays. But she didn't think it would be like this. She knew she would have an escort, but she didn't think she would be in this situation; she and Karasu couldn't help but have an awkward look as a certain set of two were arguing.

    "For the last time Stuck Up--I didn't know that was your damn book!" Feodora had argued.

    "Oh Sure! You don't know!" Pluck said., "This is obviously another one of your torment methods just because me and the Silva were arguing!"

    "Well maybe if you weren't profiling--" Feodora said.

    "--Who said I was?!" Pluck exclaimed.

    "YOU DID IT THIS MORNING!" Feodora shouted.

    Karasu groaned as he rolled his eyes, "This was a bad idea from the start."

Prism added, "W-Well I couldn't exactly say no."

"You do it like this--" Karasu said before pointing his mouth, "--No."

"Why the hell am I even on this stupid endeavor?!" Feodora yelled, "And for that matter--Why the hell does this Stuck Up gotta be here?!"

Pluck told her, "Hey, I don't like this as much as you, the last thing I wanna run into is Mud Girl."

"You mean Sol?" Prism asked.

"Exactly." Pluck said. "She's a real piece of work."

"I thought this kind of job of escorting her--" Feodora said, as she pointed to Prism, "--Was off limits!!"

"Normally I would say what but I thought so too." Pluck said, "I'm suspecting Yami had a plan for me and I'm not gonna like it. Oh well at least I'm not near you-know-who."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Karasu said.

Prism couldn't help but have a sheepish look as she fidgeted awkwardly; Brenin seemed to nudge her hand slightly as she started to scratch his ears.

"Having a plan is one way to put it..." She thought, "Though there was no way I could tell Plu-Plu and Feo. They would definitely react badly..."


-Yesterday Morning; Black Bulls Base-

    Prism wasn't sure what to expect to see Yami so early in the morning as she was helping out with feeding the baby beasts; though as she with Brenin and Adrien's help fed them and their mothers, she thought for a moment she had gone deaf as she couldn't believe what she had heard.

    "You want me to ask Feo to come with me to Miss Charlotte's lessons?" Prism asked him as she was just shocked.

    Yami replied while taking a puff from his cigarette, "Yeah, I figured from one ice queen to a prickly princess, she could use some help too."

    "I don't know--" Prism said while taking a piece of fish from the bucket Brenin held, before feeding to the little ones as they gathered around her; the spirits appeared along her hands as she brushed them, "--Feo doesn't really like being a royal all that much, since her parents were killed, at least as far as I'm told, so it might not be the best idea. I'd rather not push her into doing something she doesn't like, plus wouldn't it be sudden for Miss Charlotte to have her teach what she's supposed to teach me?"

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