Page 38: Old Friends

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Klaus, and Mimosa, along with Pluck, his mother Yukiko, Noelle and Therian's Brenin and Saorise waited patiently for the others to return with Liam. Most of them had been getting anxiously like a certain elf as he had been pacing; all the while he kept looking to Prism as she had still been in the bed of flowers, occasionally groaning in agony and mumbling incoherently.

    "Hang on sweetie." Yukiko said as she gave Prism's head a pat, "They'll be here soon."

    "What in the world is taking them so long?" Noelle asked.

    Pluck said worryingly, "What if something happened to them? Or rather Liam kills them all."

"Now Pluck that's unlikely" Yukiko told her son, "Although I am worried what Liam would do to them, Mainly Asta."

"Dorksta may be dumb--" Noelle soon said, "--But I think he's too stubborn to get killed. He said he made a promise to her highness didn't he?" She noticed that all eyes were on her as immediately she turned red. "I-I mean, it's not like I'm concerned about him or anything!"

"Keep telling yourself that." Pluck said with his eyes rolled

"Noelle, that's probably the nicest thing I've heard you say about someone." Mimosa said with a smile, "I'm so glad." 

Noelle said to Mimosa with a huff, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry--" Pluck soon said, "--How do you two know each other? Why are you so friendly?"

Noelle let out a sigh as she facepalmed herself, "... She's my cousin. Mimosa Vermillion"

Immediately, Pluck's eyes widen as his jaw dropped, "WAIT SO DOES THAT MEAN--"

"Pluck, are you trying to bring up that feud again?" Yuiko added

"YOU'RE BOTH RELATED TO EACH OTHER?!" Pluck yelled as he was trying to process, ignoring his mother "HOW?!"

"She's on my mother's side of the family." Noelle said as her gaze softened slightly at merely the mentioning of it.

"It's nice to meet you, Pluck." Mimosa said with a bow of her head as she was concentrating on the basket, "I have to say it's my first time meeting an Elf. And it's a huge honor to meet a member of the once lost Barbados Family."

Pluck's jaw dropped even further as he shouted while his head steamed, "W-what, how, who," Pluck soon said as his eyes swirled, "But wait...You're less mean and stuck up than this stupid Orc Lover."

"Sweetie, honey bun, pumpkin pie--" Yukiko soon said as she pinched his ear, "--Stop that, you know what that does to your already large brain."

"Mom!" Pluck complained. "It's true! Also don't call me those things! I'm not five anymore!"

Yukiko soon said with a glare as Pluck shrunk, "Pluck, need I remind you about that word?"

Pluck flinched before he said, "sorry."

"Hey! We're back!"

They had been taken back by the sound of a familiar voice; they turned fast and saw Asta, Yuno, Karasu, Fafanar, Morwyn, and Arfau had been there at the corridor. And along with them had been a familiar young man with blue hair, small antlers and wolf ears, which Brenin and Saorise immediately had recognized as they were quick to shift back in almost a blink. "Liam!" Brenin exclaimed with relief.

Liam's ears twitched slightly, "Brenin?" He soon smiled as he quickly ran to the basket, "You son of a dwarf! I didn't know if you made it out!" He and Brenin couldn't help but exchange in a hug.

"It's good to see you Brother." Brenin said relieved, "We have a lot to talk about."

"You're telling me." Liam said with a smirk.

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