Page 10: Arrival of the Black Bulls

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(Opening Theme: Gurren Langen Opening 1-Sky Blue Days Performed By Nakagawa Shouko)

"I'm Asta from Hage Village--" He said, "--Myself and my friends will be joining the Black Bulls starting--"


Everyone had been back by an explosion as Asta was sent flying. The flame spirits protected Prism from the oncoming flames, while Feodora quickly used her magic to protect herself from the blast as well as Karasu and Sachiko. Pluck just used his swords to reflect the attack with a blank look on his face.

"Oh dear." Finral said.

Asta would've landed on the ground hard though Adrien quickly caught him before he could; he set him on his feet as he let go of his jacket.

"And already the fire has started cooking.." Pluck added with a groan. "Why did I have to join this squad out of all the squads?"

"WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Feodora shouted as her ice broke apart.

"Was that an explosion just now!?" Prism yelled.

Yami gave a laugh before he turned to the four new recruits as he told them with a prideful smile, "Welcome to the absolute worst Magic Knights Squad--The Black Bulls!"

Asta immediately recovered as they went over to the entrance, along with Prism, Feodora and Karasu. Each of them had been taken back by a sight; they saw a couple of what they assumed to be Black Bull members either fighting, drunk or... They were being downright creepy.

"NOW I'M PISSED!" They heard one of them yell, "YOU HAD BETTER BE PREPARED!!"

"I'm not--" Another had said, "--But let's do this!"

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" A set of triplets around Prism's age had yelled who appeared to be witches cheered, though one of them had been a boy

They saw what looked to be some sort of street punk batting away fire balls towards a young boy with blonde hair who had electricity; he dodged every single one with ease as he looked to be enjoying it. They were even more taken back when they saw a woman with pink hair who had been half naked sit up as she let out a groan; almost immediately Feodora covered Asta's eyes while Karasu covered Sachiko's.

"O-Oh my--" Prism said as her face had been red.

Pluck immediately covered Prism's eyes as he said while his nose bleed, "SERIOUSLY AGAIN WITH YOUR HALF NAKEDNESS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!?"

"What's all the ruckus?" They heard her say, "Ugh, I drank too much and my head hurts..."

A young woman who looked to be in her mid thirties as she had blue highlights as well as cyan hair and sapphire pearl earrings had said as she shook her head, "We REALLY gotta give you the cold turkey."

A young boy with light blonde hair, having a set of small silver earrings, who looked to be twelve had been sitting at a table as he had been eating beside what appeared to be a girl with black hair as they looked to be eating a plate of food at a fast pace.

"I'm gonna win this time!" The boy said with his mouth full, "I've been training for months on end!"

The girl said with her own mouth full, "In your dreams!"

"Come on a Vandy!" A young six year old girl with dark blonde hair wearing a golden bracelet, "Show her who's boss!"

A man who appeared to be in his early forties with features like a goatee and stubble had tried to get in between the feud as he said, "Vandy no! You remember what happened last time!"

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