Page 3: Promise

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-Five Hundred Years Ago; Airedale Village-

The snow had covered most of the land, leaving a white blanket as far as the eye can see. There had been buildings that looked to be built around the trees; most of the houses had bridges connecting to one of the other houses, while some looked to be man made unlike the treehouses.

As it had been midday, the sound of a woman's scream could be heard. A small crowd of humans and elves alike had been gathered around a house that had been made of wood and stone looking similar to that of a one floor cottage; the sound of the woman's scream could be heard inside.

A young elf woman laid in bed as she had been screaming in agony. The woman had long white hair and eyes that were orange as she had been wearing a simple white dress; a magical beast, which had been a large eagle like bird with four wings, sat at the woman's bedside as he looked to be comforting her as he gently nudged his head onto hers as he could tell she had been in pain.

For she was giving birth.

A couple of women, both human and elves had been in the room as well. One of them had been placing a wet cloth on her forehead, while the other held her hand tightly. There had been a third who had been on the other end of the bed, as she had been helping her out.

The third woman had been an elf just like her, as she had the same white colored hair she did. Hers had been long but braided as it reached to her waist. There had been a couple of differences to the elf woman however. Her eyes had been light brown with lighter caramel complexion on her skin. She had on a grey jacket covering a blue shirt with brown pants and boots with armed shoulderpads and a spear on her back.

"Come on Alma!" She urged, "You're almost there! Push!"

The woman named Alma, leaned back into the pillow as she cried out, "What--" She gasped, "--Does it look like I'm--doing Yukiko!?"

The elf named Yukiko said, "Well, you're not doing a good job at whatever it is you're doing!" She gasped as she shouted "I SEE THE HEAD! You're nearly there! One more push oughta do it!"

"It feels like I'm dying right now, damn it!" Alma couldn't help but yell, "I don't know if I can do it!"

Yukiko told her, "Come on, Alma! Just hang in there! Your baby's almost here!"

Alma soon let out another scream, this time it had been louder then the last. The moment her voice ceased a new one had made itself known. It had been the sound of a baby's cry. When Alma opened her eyes she saw Yukiko holding her little one as she had been quick to clean her up and wrapped them in a red blanket.

Yukiko said as she bounced the little baby, to calm her as she cleaned her and cut the umbilical, "There, there girl...It's okay. Your Auntie Yukiko's got you. I'm gonna give you to mommy, see?"

Yukiko brought the little baby over to Alma after she had wrapped her in a fluffy blanket. She carefully took her in her arms as she cradled her gently as she had been in tears. "Look at you little one..." Alma said gently as the baby's cries seemed to have calmed down. She noted the silver hair she had and her eyes being that of a lilac purple and that her ears had small points, "... You're so beautiful. Even more so than I imagined. Welcome to our world."

The bird brought itself down to the little baby; he tilted his head, so he had been looking at her as he made a curious noise.

"Be gentle Spirit." Alma told the creature, "She isn't like me... Not yet."

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now