Page 28: Familiar Faces

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Today was the day.

The first day of lessons with Captain William of the Golden Dawn. Normally Prism would be excited for this kind of thing; although this day... It wasn't like the others. It wasn't that she was scared of William or anything... It was just that practically everything about him reminded her of the one person who made her feel like she could make a difference. It was just overwhelming for her to say the least.

There she sat on the rooftop of the Black Bulls, as she could hear the members calling out her name, as Adrien had his body curled against her own as the little spirits sat by her side. Brenin had been sitting by her side looking at the sky and clouds above. He would often nudge her just to get her to look up, but it was to no avail.

She soon played with the medallion around her neck as she couldn't help but feel melancholy. She turned over the medallion as it looked to have an inscription on it. It read, "Home is where your heart is." She held it close to her as she had calmed her thoughts.

Adrien let out a purr as he nudged her hand; she sighed as she started to scratch his head.

"I don't know what I should do..."


-Centuries Ago-

The night sky had been clouded as despite this young Prism could see the stars that were shown in the sky. Her body had been shivering from the cold as she sat atop the hill; her nose was running as she could feel a faint sting on her cheek. The flower crown that sat on her head had been long since thrown off. She had been in a fetal position as she had been sobbing softly.

Not even naming the shapes of the stars could help her take her mind off what had happened. The little spirits that had come forward couldn't even seem to help her to smile. The little ones that glowed like fireflies helped her to ease the pain on her cheek. Three little animals looked to be at her side as it had been the only thing they could do to comfort her at the moment.

One had been a dog with red fur, that had odd eyed colors rested his head in the grass whimpering. Another had been a lamb as it's body leaned against her own. The third and final had been a cub, as it appeared to have the body of a wolf cub and yet it looked to be growing in a set of antlers on its head.

She choked as she rubbed her eyes, looking to the little spirits that glowed like a flame and yet one or two looked to have fur in the color of bronze and gold.

"... I don't know what I should do..."

She could hear someone come up from behind her as despite her tears, she didn't show fear nor did she turn around. In fact she didn't say anything to acknowledge the person's presence--That is, until they did.

"Are you alright?"

It had been a voice she and others knew all too well--Licht.

"Does your cheek still hurt?" He asked, his voice sounding soft and gentle, "If we hurry home we can rest some ice on it."

"... It's okay..." Prism managed to say, "... The little ones helped out with the pain." She rubbed it again as the little ones moved out of the way of her hand, "... I don't think--He hit me that hard actually..."

"He shouldn't have done it regardless." Licht said to her, "Even if he is one of Zeid's advisors he didn't have any right."

Prism only huffed, "Everyone was supposed to be happy today... And--This is supposed to be the best birthday... But they had to come and ruin it because of what they think... I know father's a king, but--" She sighed again, "... I don't know what I should do..."

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now