Page 9: The Princess and her Squad

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(Opening Theme: Gurren Langen Opening 1-Sky Blue Days Performed By Nakagawa Shouko)

Prism was quick to recover after she received the big news from the Wizard King himself. A couple of the spirits either small or large had immediately gone to fan her down as she had been currently processing the whole thing.

"Bime i elena--" Prism said, "--Someone tell me I'm still dreaming right now."

Pluck told her as he handed her a glass of water, "I wish."

Prism sat back in her seat as she practically chugged down the glass of water, "I can't believe it... My father left behind the whole Kingdom... This all happening so fast! What was he thinking!?"

"I apologize for telling you this so suddenly." Julius said to her, "We felt it was better for you to know sooner rather than later about what your father intended for you."

"But I can't do the things your King can do!" Prism said, as she stood, "I'm only fourteen for Mana sake! I'm not of age yet!" She couldn't help but start to pace, "Not to mention I'm five hundred years behind on a WHOLE lot of things, and I don't know a thing about running a kingdom since I spent most of my life in my village! I don't even know what on Earth is happening to me or even if--!"

"Hey, relax." Yami told her as he slapped her cheeks, "Quit being a drama queen Princess."

"That kind of hurt..." She said rubbing her cheeks.

Yami said, as he flicked her forehead "Too bad. You gotta grow up."

Prism buried her face in her hands as she sat back down; a water type salamander had crawled up onto her shoulders as it had nuzzled her cheek.

"This is just a lot for me to process..." Prism said, "... I don't even know where I should even begin... "

Fungeleon had told her, "We will take care of that your Highness."

"Huh?" She said confused.

"We are under orders by the Wizard King--" Charlotte soon clarified, "--We as captains will teach you all that is necessary about Clover Kingdom, as well as other necessities we feel are important."

"This way you'll be properly fit to run the kingdom when the time comes." Julius added, "And I trust all of them with my very own life to handle your teachings."

"Wa-Wait, hold on a second!" Prism said as she had gotten the water salamander off her shoulders, so that she had been holding the creature like it had been a doll, "No offense, Wizard King sir, but shouldn't that be something for your King to decide? I mean father told me--"

"A yes that." Julius said to her, as he took a chair as he sat across from her, "That I'm afraid is more complicated."

Prism couldn't help but be taken back by this as she tilted her head.

"Pluck and his family told us that you've had this unique gift since you were a baby." Julius said, gesturing to the little spirit, "You're able to attract spirits like this one, am I correct?"

"Ye-yeah." Prism replied as she allowed the water salamander to nibble on her fingers while a familiar lemur made up of light sat on her shoulder, "There was a drought in our village, and I was the only baby to fall ill. The sickness would've killed me but a Phoenix spirit saved me. They just kept coming to me ever since."

"And what about your magic?" He asked her.

Prism had been hesitant to reply though she eventually found herself answering, "I--I lost my magic. I can't even remember what kind it was--Or even where home is."

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