Page 34: A Good Day To Be Sick

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The morning had come as it always did. The birds had sang their songs as even the plants had started to awaken, as the grass had its morning dew as usual everything had been lively in the Black Bulls base as it normally had been; except a certain someone had still been in bed trying to do nothing more but get some sleep.

    Prism would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for two kids that had managed to open her room door with the help of a key. Jubei quickly rushed to the window as she opened it with a turn of a knob.

    "Hey Prism!" Jubei yelled, "Come on girl, time to wake up!"

    "Up and at 'em! It's morning!" Vandy said, pulling away the sheets.

    Prism had opened her eyes with a tired smile as the little spirits that slept by her bed had awoken. With a groan she managed to sit herself up, though she appeared to have had a drowsy look on her face. "Don't worry about Adrien today, Pluck and the Triple A's are taking care of his morning routine since he's still recovering." Vandy said.

    "Though you gotta get your butt in gear since it's triple the chores today!" Jubei said, "Uncle Yami's got a list for you and--Huh?"

    Jubei lost her train of thought when she noticed the expression Prism gave, not to mention--Her cheeks looked to be flushed with red; Vandy seemed to notice this as well as he hopped onto the bed. Even a couple of the spirits looked a bit off as well.

    "Hey--Are you okay?" Vandy asked.

    "You look like death caught a hold of you." Jubei commented.

    "... I feel really light headed..." Prism groaned.

    "Light headed?" Vandy and Jubei said in unison.

    Jubei soon hopped onto the bed before she placed her hand on her forehead; immediately she pulled her hand away. "Bime i elena, you're burning up hotter than Magna!" Jubei exclaimed fearfully.

    "That's pretty bad, even by our standards." Vandy said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "... I'm fine." Prism replied.

    She soon got out of bed but they even noticed her body posture had been off as she looked to be slouching slightly even though she stood up straight.

    "Uh--Maybe you should call in sick today, and stay in bed!" Vandy said nervously.

    "Ye-Yeah!" Jubei added, "I'm sure Uncle Yami would understand if you need to sleep it off! We'll even have ma cook you some soup later!"

    Prism only let out a slight groan, "Huh... But--I promised him I would do them to make up for causing all that trouble. I need to hurry and..."

    The moment Prism took her second step towards the dresser she started to wobble before falling forward. Vandy and Jubei were quick to act on their part as well as the spirits that didn't look off as they managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

    "Get a grip--!" Jubei said.

    "Hang in there!" Vandy added.

    "... Thank you..." Prism groaned tiredly to the kids and the little spirits.


(Third Opening Theme: Hamatora the Animation Opening-Flat Performed By Yuuki Ozaki (Gailieo Galilei))

-Kitchen Area-

    As usual, a couple of the new rookies had been assigned to kitchen duties to prepare for the morning meal, big enough to feed the equivalent of bulls. Karasu had been in charge of the cooking for the day as Sachiko had been assisting him in the endeavor, as well as the magic he casted on most of the tools to help him mince the vegetables. However he would have an easier time if he could have some peace if it weren't for all the noise from two of the only rookies available in the whole damn base to help him in peeling the potatoes.

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