Page 6: Let the Exams Begin! PT2

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(Opening Theme: Gurren Langen Opening 1-Sky Blue Days Performed By Nakagawa Shouko)

"Bronze Creation Magic: Sekke Magnum Cannonball!"

In almost an instant the crowd saw a transparent dome appear around Sekke; the dome had formed a set of cannons around it as it took everyone by surprise.

"Well captains?" Sekke thought as he looked to them, "How do you like my magic? It's bronzified and protects me as it shoots out magical bullets. It's offense and defense all in one!" He soon turned back to Asta as he still stood there calmly, "It'll block all of his lame attacks which will show off my defensive powers, and then I'll finish you off once you've worn yourself out."

He soon gave Asta a wink, "There's no need to hold back. Come at me, bah-ha!"

"Sure thing." Asta soon said as he had been taken back by tone of voice.

Asta's Grimoire soon appeared in front of him as it had been lit with a familiar red light; he pulled his blade out of the pages before he got himself ready as he took a deep breath.

In the next few seconds Asta charged at Sekke full force, before he could blink and in an instant he broke the dome with a single swing and it had knocked him out instantly.In a matter of seconds, the match was over. Everyone, even the captains, Pluck and Fafnar had looked shocked, while Feodora and Yuno smiled at this; Prism's expression brightened as she couldn't help but smile too.

"WHOO ASTA!" Feodora cheered, "WAY TO KICK HIS ASS!"

"Asta..." Prism said before she thought, "... He really is amazing! I'm really glad I met someone like him!"

"That Boy...he has Sword Magic too!?" Pluck asked in his head, "No, that's wrong--I don't sense any mana from him! Not even a tiny bit! That just now...Could it be... Was it Anti-Magic!?"

Asta soon put his sword over his shoulder as he towered over Sekke, "Unlike you--I'm not joining the Magic Knights so I don't have to work so hard and kick back! I'm here to work my butt off--And become the next Wizard King!"

The crowd had been left speechless as the fight had ended so quickly; most of them felt like they had to get their eyes checked since they didn't expect this to be the outcome of a fight with someone with no magic had turned out.

"He went through that guys spell like it was nothing!"

"Was that even magic!?"

"Is he really just from the boonies!?"

"Is that sword magic!?"

"Did he say he was going to the Wizard King?"

"Asta!" Prism soon cheered as she clapped, "That was great!"

"Way to show him who's the man shorty!" Feodora cheered.

"I'M NOT THAT SHORT!" Asta yelled as he glared over at Feodora.

Yuno smiled at this as he thought to himself, "I'm the only one who's going to beat you--Asta!"

Up above, the Captains were left impressed by what Asta just did, as some of their comrades started to converse with each other.

"W-woah! Hey Plucky! You saw that right?" Fafanar asked "He just swung that sword like it was nothin-"

Fafanar was shocked to see Pluck was mumbling to himself as he was trying to process what just happened. "Hey!" Fafanar said, as he shook Pluck, "Do you think that was sword magic he just did!?"

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now