Page 25: The Holly Branch

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-Centuries Ago-

    The full moon had been in a shade of blue as the sky had been clear of all clouds. It had been one of the only few things keeping the whole land a lit. A set of lanterns had been dimly lit around a stone archway as it had all lead towards what had been a pool of water that had been overflowing. Young ten year old Prism had been approaching the pool of water as she had been wearing a ceremonial white robe, outlined with a light blue pattern as she had worn a golden necklace with a set of stones with insignias around her neck as her silver hair had been tied in what looked to be a braided ponytail.

Beside her had been her parents Zeid and Alma, as well what looked to be young children that had been the same age as her and had been wearing a ceremonial robe similar to her own. Yet there was something different about them as they strangely had some parts similar to that of an animal. They were also accompanied by a young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

He wore a double-breasted, long-sleeved, white jacket with a high, dark-colored collar. The jacket extends below his waist and is trimmed with gold. He also had on two belts on top of it, and his grimoire pouch hung off the back of his dark-colored belt. He also wears white pants, white stockings and black shoes. Over this, he wears a blue cape with white fur trim at his collar and a bronze-like cross pendant to enclose his cape.

The sound of drums could be heard as they drew closer to the pool as a set of familiar people stood there, waiting for them as well as a small group that had been beating on large drums and others that looked to be mages.

The familiar faces among them had been Licht and three more; two more men and a young woman. There had been a young man with messy white hair, with an angled jaw, another beside him was a tall elf with a lean build and light skin with curly short blondish white hair and purple eyes; he had a goatee beard divided into three sections. There looked to be a squirrel resting on his shoulder.

The third had been a young short woman, with long light pink hair that had been parted down the middle and each side was gathered and tied off at the tips, forming two ponytails that rest on her shoulders. She had been wearing a light-colored dress that extends down to her knees. The dress is held together by a dark-colored belt, from which hangs a pouch for her grimoire on her right. Around her head sits a floral crown. She also wore a pair of dark-colored, short-heeled sandals that lace up to her mid-shin.

"Licht--Rhya, Vetto, Fana--" The young man beside Zeid and Alma--Lemiel said bowing his head to them, "--Thank you all for doing this."

"It's the least we can do for you and of course the young heir." Licht said to them with a friendly smile.

"This really means a lot to us." Zeid had said.

The man named Rhya gave little Prism a pat on the head, "This is some way to start your birthday off, huh Ducky?"

Prism gave a nervous laugh, "Ye-Yeah, I guess so."

"Sounds like somebody's nervous." The young woman by the name of Fana said.

"Don't worry, you'll be alright." The man Vetto said, "We won't let anything bad happen to you."

"I know but--" Prism said as she fidgeted a little, "--It's still a bit nerve wracking."

Zeid and Alma gave their child a reassuring squeeze to her hands as her attention was drawn to them. "You'll be just fine little primrose." Zeid said, "Just take deep breaths."

"Remember, we'll be right here." Alma said, "Right where you can see us."

"You won't be alone." Lemiel said before he looked at the other three young children, "You all won't be."

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