Page 43 Epilogue: Hold On

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(Fourth Opening: Black Clover Opening 1-Faraway Future Performed By Kanaku Piero)

The dungeon had been practically smoking from the outside as the buildings started to break apart. The smoke could be seen for miles on end as the sun had started to set over the horizon. Yami, Charlotte and Jack arrived on the scene as they saw the full extent of the damage.

"The Dungeon's collapsing!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Tch, damn it, come on get out of there." Yami said

"KEKE--Looks like we missed the party." Jack said with his cackle.

"Don't tell me there was a failsafe in there!" Charlotte said, "They must still be inside!"

Yami had said, "well they better hurry it up."

Just as this was said they were taken back by a sudden explosion that came from the top of the building. There they saw out of the dust cloud had been the members of the Golden Wind, and the Black Bulls. Most of them had been screaming.

"HOLY SHIT!!" Fafanar and Pluck shouted as they flew down hard and fast.

Yami, Charlotte and Jack were quick to back up as the makeshift windcart came crashing in the ground, causing most of them to either face planted on the floor, landed on top of eachother, or they somehow managed to land on their feet. Just as they did, the dungeon soon became surrounded with a dust cloud as it nearly clouded everyone's vision; the ground soon stopped shaking.

"Everyone okay?" Yukiko asked as she dusted herself off.

"We're fine." Yuno said as he was able to keep a hold on Feodora while also keeping Brenin, Liam, and Saorise a float.

"Barely--!" Arfau moaned as he was stuck in a tree.

"Oh suck it up bro, you've been through worse!" Morwyn told him as she had been able to land on her feet.

"Plucky bestie--" Fafanar groaned, as he had been underneath Pluck "--I think you broke my spleen."

"Sorry...I would get up but something is weighing me down..also why is it breathing on my face?" Pluck groaned.

He looked to see Noelle was on top of him as her face was close to his as their chests Pluck began to scream on top of his lungs as well as Noelle. "Knock it off will ya?" Karasu said as he fell to his knees while using his sword to keep himself up, "There's no need to make us deaf."

"I'm sorry!" Pluck said "not my fault I have a certain someone on top of me!"

"What do you think you're doing!?" Noelle said before she slapped him across the face, making him shriek; she soon stood up, "You perverted Barbados!"

"ME?! I'M THE NOT THE ONE WHO WAS MOUNTING ME YOU STUPID SILVA!" Pluck shouted as he pinched her cheeks

The two were about to argue but soon flinched because of their muscle pains as they let out a collective groan.

"Maybe kill each other after you're healed?" Arfau asked as he was removed from the tree.

"Good everyone is still alive!" Klaus said relieved.

"Now let's get to the capital before--" Yukiko started to say as she turned though nearly choked on her spit as she saw a familiar set of captains before her eyes, "--WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING HERE?!"

"What do you think we're doing here!?" Yami replied.

Karasu soon gulped as he asked nervously, "... Guess the cats out of the bag?"

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now