Page 1: The Girl With A Gift

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Threatened by a ruthless demon

Humanity was on the brink of extinction

All hope was lost till one mage stepped forward...

He was hailed as the Wizard King and his story became legend.


(Opening Theme: Gurren Langen Opening 1-Sky Blue Days Performed By Nakagawa Shouko)

    The sun rose over the horizon as the village slowly started to wake up and begin their daily harvest. Asta had been the first to wake up with a yawn as that's how mornings normally started for him; although after he opened his eyes, he noticed that a certain girl and a handful of kids had been missing from their spaces.

    Immediately Asta started to panic as he shouted, "THEY'RE GONE!!"

    At the sound of his voice, Feodora and Yuno immediately jumped out of their spaces before they noticed why he had been freaking out.

    "Where are the kids!?" Feodora exclaimed.

    Asta had shouted, "DON'T TELL ME THEY WERE KIDNAPPED!!"

    "Wait--" Yuno said, looking around, "--Where's Prism?" 

    They were soon taken back by the sound of laughter coming from outside. The three of them scrambled to the window and saw Prism having long changed out of her night wear to her own outfit, arriving while riding along with Adrien and the kids; the kids looked like they had the time of their lives as Prism helped them all down once Adrien had set himself on his stomach.

Asta sighed with relief, "Thank God!"

"What the heck is she doing with them?" Feodora had wondered.

"I'm not sure." Yuno replied.

The three of them changed out of their nightwear before they headed outside just after Prism helped Recca climb off of Adrien; upon closer inspection, they saw the children's hair in a bit of a mess as it looked like they had just woken up from their sleep.

"That was amazing!" Recca said to Prism.

"I told you guys he was fast, didn't I?" Prism said with a smile.

"The way he jumped that river was cool!" Aruaru added.

"It wasn't even that big." Nash said.

"Can we do it again!?" Hololo asked.

"Of course you can!" Prism replied, giving each of them a pat on the head.

It hadn't been long before she noticed Asta, Yuno and Feodora standing right in front of them. "Oh morning guys!" She said with a wave, "Lovely weather today, don't you think?"

"What in the world were you doing!?" Asta asked.

"Taking Adrien out for his morning run." Prism replied with a smile, "The kids saw me setting up his saddle and they asked if they could join me. I just couldn't say no to their adorable little faces."

"Morning run?" Yuno said.

"It's one of our daily routines." Prism explained, as she removed Adriens saddle, noticing how ruined and ripped it was,  "Your village has plenty of open fields for him to run around in. It's bigger then any other plain I've seen!"

"You guys should've seen it!" Recca said, "Adrien ran so fast, it was like we were the wind!"

"He even cleared a whole river on our way back!" Aruru said.

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now