Page 5: Let the Exams Begin! PT1

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(Opening Theme: Gurren Langen Opening 1-Sky Blue Days Performed By Nakagawa Shouko)

Yuno and Feodora found Asta along with Prism and Adrien through the crowd; thankfully they had been nearby. They were soon heading towards where they needed to go for the Entrance Exams to get into a Magic Knights Squad. Though the two of them were surprised by the fact the two of them had sticks of food. While Prism had been helping herself to a caramel apple, Asta had been eating--

--Actually, they weren't sure what it had been.

Prism had been enjoying the taste of the caramel apple as she couldn't help but sigh with content. "Mmm~" She said, "This is so yummy! I never had anything this sweet before! Caramel apples are the best!"

"Didn't I tell you?" Asta said, "It just melts in your mouth!"

Prism nodded her head as she had the brightest smile on her face, which made Asta smile too. "That's good, at least she's not crying anymore." Asta thought, "Something tells me she wouldn't want Yuno or Feo to see her like that."

"And you said you bought it with your own money?"Yuno asked Asta, earning a nod from him as to what he had gotten.

"I figured since Prism has never been outside of her village, she should try something other than pot potatoes." Asta reasoned, "Even though it is delicious."

"Seriously, what is that you're eating?" Feodora asked.

"Grilled purple snake." Asta replied, "Other then the caramel apple, it was the cheapest one I could get."

"It smells like someone's crap threw up." Feodora had commented.

"Aw, come on it's not that bad." Asta said before he held it out to her, "Here try it!"

"I wouldn't eat that even if you paid me to Dum-Dum." She said as she cringed a little.

Asta shrugged a little, "Okay fine--" He soon held it to Yuno, "--How about you Yuno? You wanna try it?"

"Not a chance." Yuno replied.

"What!?" Asta exclaimed, "But it's super nutritious and will give you lots of energy!"

"I REALLY doubt that." He said.

Prism happily ate from the caramel apple as a thought soon came over her, "Hey, so where are the Exams taking place anyway?"

"It should be close by." Feodora said, "But first, there's something we oughta clear up--"

"Clear up?" Prism asked.

Prism and Asta stopped in their tracks as they Yuno and Feodora had stopped right in front of them. They couldn't help but the looks they were giving. "Don't forget, there's still the matter of the spirits that appear around you." Yuno said; just as he said this the little light lemur spirit appeared as it popped out of the collar of her jacket, "We may have taken care of your ear problem but it'll be a hassle if another one appears."

"You can't just keep saying these spirits belong to you." Feodora added, "I know it worked with you before, but what if someone smells something up? It's gonna cause problems if we're not careful."

"Oh." Prism soon said, "You don't have to worry about that."

"Huh?" The three of them said.

"It's strange but the spirits seem to know exactly what it is I'm thinking or feeling even though none of them belong to me." Prism explained, "I guess you can say it's like instinct."

"Wait seriously!?" Asta exclaimed.

"How is that possible?" Yuno asked.

"I'm not sure." Prism said, "Mother and father told me it was like that when I was a baby too."

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