Page 43: My Friend

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The grimoire soon turned to a new page before words had started to form from within as it flew in front of her. Her eyes changed to white before the words became clear as her vision seemed to have gotten better. She soon spoke aloud the words as she stood.

Lost to found

River flow

Turn the key---

They saw the scythe had suddenly glowed a white glow as even her blade became a lit. Mars went in to attack, but much to everyone's shock she vanished in a blink.

"Where did she--?!" Klaus started to say before he let out a gasp.

Prism had suddenly behind her as her scythe became illuminated with white flames as she had been ready to attack. It was then she finished the incantation.

--Reveal to me

Mars went to block scythe though as she swung the blade, it seemed to have become transparent much to his own shock The last thing Prism saw as the world became surrounded with familiar white flames while everything slowed down, as she seemed to have snapped out of her trance was Mars head severed from his body.

"... Huh...?"


(Fourth Opening: Black Clover Opening 1-Faraway Future Performed By Kanaku Piero)

The flames that had surrounded Prism seemed to have disappeared as she found herself in an entirely different place. Though the flames had still been around she found herself standing in the middle of a hall. She could see there had been a set of bars that allowed the sunlight to leak through, though she couldn't fit through even if she tried. She could hear birds as some sounded close while others sounded far off.

"Where... Where am I...?"

The little light lemur soon appeared before her very eyes in a flash as it had startled her though she had calmed herself.

"It's just you---Do you know what's happening? What is this place?"

The little light lemur replied to her as the sound of bells could be heard, though she looked shocked at this.

"The... Diamond Kingdom? But... This doesn't look like the Diamond Kingdom. And for that matter--We were in the dungeon. And what did you mean when you said your my guide?"

The little light lemur spoke again as this time the look on her face changed completely.

"... I'm... In a--Memory?"


Prism flinched as she noticed that two people had been behind her. She had been shocked to see a familiar looking young man with someone else. From the spiked hair and purple shade she recognized him to be Mars, as he had been wearing a white shirt and shorts as he looked to be barefoot.

"That's... Him but who's that with--"

She couldn't help but gasp as she saw the person who had been with him. It had been a young girl with pink hair and a set of sea green eyes as she had been wearing a simple white dress as she looked to be barefoot as well.

"That girl--" She said petrified as the light lemur floated gently on her shoulder, "--Is she--?"

The girl soon spoke as she looked towards the barred window, "When things get rough--Remember the faces of those you love. We were born to protect the people of this kingdom that we love so much."

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now