Page 4: A Fated Meeting

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Time has passed, and the title of the Wizard King has been passed down through generations. The Wizard King commands the Magic Knights and they protect the kingdom together. The Magic Knights are comprised of nine squads of mages that specialize in combat, all under the command of the Wizard King.

This band of heroes work together to protect the lives of the kingdom with their lives. To become a Wizard King or a Magic Knight is the aspiration of all in the Clover Kingdom


(Opening Theme: Gurren Langen Opening 1-Sky Blue Days Performed By Nakagawa Shouko)

    Six months came and went since Prism started to stay in the village with her new friends Asta, Yuno and Feodora. She said it before, and she'll say it again, she was happy that people like them found her in the strange tree. Despite her initial shock about being asleep for five hundred years, she was glad she had found a new home with people to call her family.

    Since they had received their Grimoires, life had been peaceful. She helped out with the chores everyday, played with the kids and very often so, she would hang out with Asta, Yuno and Feodora as she explored more and more of the village.

    She was really happy right now, though at the same time she couldn't help but feel more and more melancholy. True, she had been excited to see what Hage Village had to offer, though everytime she explored a new area, it couldn't help but remind her of home. Not a day went by when she was thinking about them; her friends and her family. She missed them all dearly, and worst of all, she knew there was no chance she had in seeing them again.

    She had been no doubt the only one of her species.

    Though it seemed that everytime she felt down or sad, Asta seemed to have just sensed it. He always did what he could to make her laugh even if it had been the slightest frown on her face; very so often it would work. Everyday she spent with them, she could see why the children loved them so much.

    Yuno had been cool under pressure, as he had been patient as he was understanding with their needs. Feodora though she didn't admit loved to play with the little ones; she knew she had a tough side to her, though she had a soft side to her as well. The kids knew this too as they weren't scared of her even when she had one of her outbursts.

As for Asta, he just loved them as much as they did him. He was like a big brother to all of them as he had always done what he would do for her; he would just make them laugh whenever they were sad or scared even if he wasn't too bright about certain things.

    He was certainly amazing, is what she would find herself thinking every now and again.

    So far, the only ones that knew she was the Princess of Clover were just those three, and she had been grateful it stayed that way for the six months she stayed. It would've been an awkward conversation starter for one thing, and to be honest she didn't want the children nor Father Orsi or Sister Lily to look at her differently because of her status. In fact, she didn't want anyone to view her differently because of her title.

    Just because she was the lost princess, didn't make her any less of who she was. At least, that was the kind of thing her parents had taught her.

She was still a living person, half elf in all. Sure, Asta, Yuno and Feodora didn't view her any differently since they found out by accident, but that was more than she could say for anyone else outside of them. Even if they did find someone they could trust with the secret, she didn't want their minds to change or tell her who she couldn't be friends with.

The Beast and the Sword Book 1: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now