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Hyunjin's POV

I held Heejin's hand tightly as I walk her back to her dorm. I make sure to take the road where there's no CCTVs.

I just want something like this. A peaceful life with them especially with Heejin but because of her job and my dad I know it's not gonna happen.

It's so quiet, we didn't dare to talk as we walk. Just her beside me is enough. I smile a little as I remember the nights we spent together. Just walking around the town with no certain destination in our minds. We just go where our feet takes us.

We won't be able to do those things again once I got married to Minho who's in Daegu. His dad forced him to move there and transfer to another school. He'll come back here on our engagement party which is less than a month from now. We can't communicate too since the day we talked to our dads 'cause his dad confiscated his phone.

I just don't really get it why our fathers are like this. Can't they just let us be? Not because they're our parents they get to choose for us. We're grown up now and we can make a decision for ourselves.

My thoughts were interrupted when I realized that we're here already. We stopped walking and just stood there looking at each other's eyes.

"What?" that almost came out as a whisper

She didn't say anything and hug me tight. I smile and hug her back. I kiss the top of her head and hold her tight.

"You should go inside now. Change your clothes immediately so you won't catch a cold" I said but she didn't let go of me

"Heejin..." she just burried her face to my neck

"Heejin go inside now. I'm sure they're already looking for you" I tried to remove her arms around me but she resisted

"Let me go Heejin I need to go back home now"

"I don't want to let you go Hyun..." she said making me stop squirming around

"...but you need to" she looks at me and I smile at her

"You need to let me go Heekkie" she shakes her head

"You love me right?" she asks and I nodded

"Of course I do" I tuck her hair behind her ear

"How about me? Do you love me Heejin?" I asked her

"Yes" wait what?

"I love you I really do" she look right in my eyes

"and I'm willing to leave everything behind and run away with you" she said

"Let's run away Aeongie" she cups my face and place a soft peck on my lips

"Let's run away from everything" she held my hands

"I don't care about my mission anymore. All I know is that I want to be with you for the rest of my life" is she for real?

"We can leave this country and start a new life Hyunjin-ah"

"How about them?"

"They're more than willing to run away with us Hyun" I don't want to drag them into this mess

"Should we pack up our things now?" I look up and saw the ten of them in the balcony smiling at us

"Cmon Hyun let's run away so you'll be free from your evil dad"

"Let's run away together"

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