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Hyunjin's POV

We're chilling here in the living room with Heejinie hugging me while watching TV. Her head is on my chest while she's hugging my torso. I'm busy stroking her hair and smelling it.

"IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME THEN WHY ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH ME!?" we suddenly hear a yell making us jolted from our seats

"Is that Jiwoo-unnie?" Yeojinie asked

"IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME THEN WHY DID YOU GIVE ME HOPE!?" Jiwoo-unnie yelled again and got out of her and Jungeun-unnie's room. Sooyoung-unnie followed her and grab her wrist but Jiwoo-unnie shook her off and slap her.

"I fucking hate you Sooyoung" she said as her tears fall down to her cheeks

"Kids go to the park for now" Haseul-unnie said and shove Yerim, Hyejoo and Yeojin out of the dorm.

"Including you three" she pulled Heejin, Chae and I out of the dorm too. We six just stand outside and look at the door. We can still hear yells and sound of crying.

"Let's just go to the park y'all" Yeojin said and we started walking towards the park. I have my arms around Heejin's shoulder as we walk.

"I wonder what happened to Jiwoo-unnie and Sooyoungie-unnie" Yerim said as we sat on a picnic table here at the park

"It's my first time to see Jiwoo-unnie like that" Yeojin said

"Y'all heard Jiwoo-unnie right?" our heads turned to Hyejoo

"It's obvious that she likes Sooyoung-unnie and if I don't know them I would assume that they're in a relationship" she added

"Why are you so quiet? Are you hungry?" I asked Heejin who's sitting beside me.


"What do you want?" she looks at me with her furrowed eyebrows

"Tell me what you want and I'll buy it for you"

"Ice cream?" she said and I stand up

"Unnie/Hyunjinie" I look at my other four friends and they're looking at me with their puppy eyes even Chae.

"What the fuck Chae it doesn't suits you" she suddenly glares at me

"Buy us ice cream too" she said and I raise my left eyebrow

"How about no?"

"I'll throw away all of your plushies, how about that?" she said and gave me smug smile

"Fine, wait me here" I make my way towards a convenience store and grab a six random cup of ice cream. I pay for it and go back to the picnic table where I left them.

"Here motherfuckers, not you Yerim and Heejin" I said and put the ice creams on the table. Yeojin, Chaewon and Hyejoo scoffed.

I gave Heejin the chocolate flavored one and sat beside her, opening my vanilla ice cream. We started eating quietly until Chaewon spoke.

"What time are we going back there?" I shrugged my shoulders

"Let's just wait for Haseul-unnie's call" Heejin said and we nodded

"Let's just play tag" I said, they all stand up and runs.

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5..." I stand up and chase Yeojin. She's the easiest person to chase because of her short legs.

I touch her back and I grinned

"No returns Yeojinie" she groaned and chase Heejin.


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