#72: Return

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As the remnants of the Void dissipated into the light, three orbs fell into Yza's hands. If his soul was coloured black, then these souls were coloured blue, gold, and white, respectively.

Breathing life into them, the blue orb became Yozora, the gold orb became Kinjuzo, and the white orb became Ryuusei.

As the four boys looked at each other, Ryuusei stepped back and put a hand to his face.

"Why am I...? Shouldn't I be...?"

"Even if you were created by the Void, you're still one of my personalities." Yza smiled at Ryuusei and extended his hand.

"That's the problem, isn't it? I'm made by the Void. I shouldn't even be here in the first place." Ryuusei turned his back on Yza. "Besides, you've already got two personalities to deal with. You don't need a third trying to hog your body."

"Don't be ridiculous," Yza grabbed Ryuusei by the shoulder and turned him around. "There's more than enough space in my body for all of us."

"I really doubt that."

"It's fine, you know."

"You can say all the nice things you want, but I'm just a fake personality. The only thing that separates me and you, Yza, is that I'm batshit insane."

"You don't look all that insane?"

"Maybe not in that sense. But in here," Ryuusei pointed at his head. "I'm fucking nuts. All of your negative emotions make up my body. If you can let it all go, I'll disappear."

"But I don't want let go of those painful emotions!"

"Huh?" Ryuusei looked dumbfounded by Yza's declaration.

"Hatred, anger, sadness... I won't throw them away. If I didn't have those cruel, struggling, unforgivable feelings swirling inside me, I wouldn't be human... I wouldn't be properly living! And if you're the embodiment of all that then..."

Yza put a flower crown on Ryuusei's head of white hair.

"It's all the more reason to keep you."

A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Seriously. You're going to regret it."

"I won't. Because I want to show you the world I so desperately tried to save."

Yza looked up to the clear blue sky.

"Then... one day, show me something that I'll never forget." Ryuusei walked away, sinking into the depths of Yza's mind.

"Of course I will! That's a promise!" Yza shouted with a wide grin.

"I'm sorry I wasn't much use in that battle. Once he got Yozora, I tried my best to fend him off before he could get you." Kinjuzo said.

"Like always, you protected me... thanks."

Kinjuzo smiled and asked a question Yza was trying to avoid.

"Do you feel ready to return yet?"

Yza looked at the pendant around his neck and wavered. He glanced at Yozora.

"Is it really okay?"

Yozora raised his eyebrows. With a deflated expression, he muttered, "...do what you want. It's your body after all."

"You want to live too, don't you?"

"I... of course I do!" Yozora squeezed his fists and bared his fangs. Just as Yza was about to cut in, he continued viciously. "But I'm just a personality! Everything in my life is fake! I was never meant to exist! It's pointless if I go back! There's no meaning to what I do!"

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