#50: To the next stage...

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I read a quote once. It was "Only one man ever understood me, and he didn't understand me.".

It's weird to start with that line, but even as I'm listening to my teacher talk about classic Japanese literature or something along those lines, my mind drifts back to the book Chiharu gifted to me shortly after I woke up from my long coma.

The book was one I've been meaning to pick up for a long time. It's a novella that caught my interest.

To put it bluntly, it's about a man who struggles to find his place in the world after an event where he lost everything. A basic plot that anyone could come up with, and something everyone can relate to.

What made me attracted to this book however, is that it was written in English. It was strange to find book comprised of English in Japan out of all places, yet this was on the shelves of the bookstore I checked in frequently.

When I finished the book while in my hospital bed, that quote was written at the end.

"Only one man ever understood me, and he didn't understand me".

While the novella brought some emotions I could relate to, this quote had more emotional impact on me then I first imagined. It's been lingering in my mind ever since.

In fact, it's hard to believe I'm now a third year student at Seigatsu Academy. Despite this humbling status of student, I had a hidden status as the man who killed a God.

The sudden shift in my daily life after that event was noticeable. The everyday normal life everyone wished for was achieved.

No longer were we running around trying to collect Zeroth Dragons. We now had peaceful lives with mundane problems like anyone else... What to eat for dinner, what to wear to go out today, what time to sleep. Those kinds of problems. Rather than where is the Zeroth Dragon that might be needed to destroy the world.

I yawned to myself, looking out of the window.

The world outside these walls were bathing in dazzling sunlight.

Tokyo's been rebuilt since that apocalyptic day. In fact, I don't know how, but after I woke up from my coma (which I was in for three months), the whole city was rebuilt, and more advanced then ever.

The old buildings that were destroyed were replaced with new state of the art buildings, courtesy of top class engineers and construction workers all banding together to save Tokyo from it's tragic event.

I'd have to guess that Ryuzaki probably pulled some strings behind the scenes and used some of his never ending money, but it was for the right cause so I can't complain.

On the news, they said Tokyo had been hit by a devastating earthquake, and that the Government anticipated it, evacuating everyone before then. Most people ate up the story well, but there were a couple skeptics.

However, only we know the truth. That a giant deity from Cray came down to eradicate the planet, and that the United States of Ryuzaki managed to evacuate Tokyo. Go us.

It seems that Gyze, along with the Zeroth Dragons, have been destroyed for good. On the Zeroth Tracker, there's no signal that the dragons are alive, and I know for a fact Gyze died, because I saw it with my own two eyes.

Since that tragic day, a couple notable things have happened.

Mai's been in hospital since she was freed from Gyze's cruel grip. She was the girl abducted by Ayaza and forced to be Gyze's vessel. While, thankfully, she's okay, she received multiple life threatening wounds and deep psychological trauma that have taken a long time to recover. I've heard that she regained the ability to walk.

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