Where are you

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( Just found out the chapter about y/n's summonings got deleted so to catch you up, the summoning is named Raja. He appeared when Y/n was with Jirayia.)

Third p.o.v ( 3 years ago)

War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces. Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general. However, war in this situation, held something more valuable than just the lives on the battle field. Maybe it was the allies that surrounded people, or the fact that they believed in there strength. Either way, everyone had hope.

Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes. Hope that they could see their families again. Hope that what their fighting is worth it. Hope that they would live to see the future. Everyone had it, deep down underneath all their strength and mobility, it was there.

But Y/n's mind was different. She was only focused on what mattered to her, and at that moment it was her students. " Naruto? Sasuke? Sakura?" She shouted as she walked through the village. " Where did those kids go?" She mumbled as she passed by Ichiraku's.

" Ah, Y/n! Here for a delicious bowl of ramen?" The old man asked.

" No i'm alright, I'm looking for my team. Did you see them?" she questioned.

" Yeah, they headed towards the bridge over there with a women"

A women? Interesting. " Thanks," Y/n quickly walked to where he pointed and saw the silhouette of five people, two who happened to be on one another. She squinted as she got closer trying to make out who was in front of her. Her eyes stopped on Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke as they laid on the floor groaning. They soon trailed to the silver headed ninja who was on top of the dark haired women. Her eyes widened at the sight of their lips touching.

" Uhhh..." Sakura trailed off seeing her Sensei looking at the sight.

Y/n didn't know how to feel. Of course she felt something, she just didn't know what it was. " Is he a good kisser?" She called out seeing them pull away at the sound of her voice.

" Y/n! This isn't what it looks like! We were just talking! Really-"

She held her hand out to stop his rambling. " Are you three alright? That fall looked like it hurt." She asked turning to look at them.

" We're fine Sensei but you should know that this was-" Y/n raised her hand again to cut Sakura off.

" Hi, I'm Y/n Uchiha. Sorry to interrupt whatever ' that' was." She spoke calmly with a bow. " I didn't get your name."

" I'm Hanare, and it's okay. It was only a small kiss, nothing big." She said with a light smile as blush covered her cheeks.

Y/n's face was slightly wary, spectacle if you will, of the women in front of her. Her dark eyes gazed over at Kakashi's face. Y/n smirked to herself as she looked down at the ground before walking towards the girl till they were face to face. The two had a small stare down before Y/n activated her Hi No Kyoka quickly and looked right into her eyes. Hanare gave her a slight smirk before cocking her brow up quickly. It was then when Y/n moved back and cleared her through. " Well, I'll leave you two be. If you need me, i'll be.... somewhere." She said before walking off the bridge.

" Y/n wait! Hold on." Kakashi went to follow her when Sasuke stepped in front of him. He slowly looked up at his Sensei before following his fellow clan member to the cliff near by.

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